ZIL-41052, This Bulletproof Limo Ferried Russian Presidents
2020年10月6日 · ZIL-41052, this big and boxy bulletproof presidential limousine ferried Russian presidents in the 80’s. The massive limo was driven by Putin’s Soviet predecessors, including Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Just 13 of the ZIL-41052 were built from 1988 to 2002. They were part of Russian government fleet from 1989 until ...
1989' ZIL 41052 for sale. Russia - classicmoto.rs
2017年2月22日 · Used Black 1989' ZIL 41052 - This unique car serviced Russian Presidents Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and belonged to the governmental garage (GON); all of these were produced 14 pieces.
Buy 1989 ZIL-41052 Armored Limousine Used by Gorbachev and ... - Carscoops
2014年6月13日 · Located in Moscow, Russia, the ZIL-41052 has a mileage of 29,403 km (18,270 miles) and is advertised on James Edition for €1,250,000 ($1,693,000). This massive limo is 6,339mm (249.5in) long,...
【未能量产的车型】关于之前视频中的ZiL 4102 车型资料补全 - 哔 …
之前我制作了一部片子【BV1pg4y1D7f3】,由于片长有限,部分图片和数据资料没有放到片中。 这篇文章算是对那部片子的补遗吧。 这张照片存疑,有的说法是这张照片上的车型叫ZiL41052……
ZIL-4102 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-4102 was a rear-wheel drive saloon developed by the Soviet car manufacturer ZiL (Zavod imeni Lihacheva) in 1987 on the ZIL-41041 platform. The first 4102 prototype was rolled off the production line in 1987 with two more following in 1989 and the final one in late 1990/early 1991.
ZIL-4104 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-4104 was a limousine built by ZIL from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, when it served as the transport of the elite of the Soviet Union. It is estimated that no more than fifty cars were produced each year.
俄罗斯展出标价60万美元的前总统防弹车 (组图)_新浪军事_新浪网
2005年4月30日 · 现代人最想购买的是独一无二的极品车。 因此,前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫和俄罗斯首任总统叶利钦曾经乘坐的ZIL-41052高级防弹轿车吸引了众多的眼球。
ZIL-41052高级防弹轿车 - 百家号
当年 的苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫和俄罗斯首任总统叶利饮乘坐过的ZIL-41052高级防弹轿车,吸引了众多的眼球,这辆汽车由莫斯科汽车商2004年通过特殊竞标从克里姆林宫特种车库中采购而来。
ЗИЛ-41052. Советский бронированный автомобиль …
2025年2月11日 · ЗИЛ-41052 — это советский бронированный автомобиль представительского класса, который выпускался на Заводе имени Лихачёва (ЗИЛ) в Москве с 1986 по 2002 год. Всего было выпущено около полутора десятка автомобилей этой модели. ЗИЛ-41052 имел следующие технические характеристики: Масса: 5600 кг.
ZIL-41052 - RecoMonkey
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