Zilver® PTX® Drug-Eluting Peripheral Stent - Cook Medical
Indicated for improving luminal diameter for the treatment of de novo or restenotic symptomatic lesions in native vascular disease of the above-the-knee femoropopliteal arteries having reference vessel diameter from 4 mm to 7 mm and total lesion lengths up to 300 mm per patient.
Zilver PTX | Cook Medical
Only Zilver PTX combines the antiproliferative drug paclitaxel with efficient, polymer-free drug delivery and vessel support to demonstrate superior 5-year results against percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and Zilver bare-metal stents.
Zilver® PTX®: Transparency, data, and patient safety (Update)
Zilver PTX is a paclitaxel-coated stent that was approved by the FDA in 2012 through the premarket approval process. Dr. Michael Dake et al. recently published a peer-reviewed article …
What is Zilver PTX? Zilver PTX is a drug-coated (drug-eluting) stent. The stent an restrict blood flow in the largest artery of the thigh. This vessel is called the superficial femoral artery, o...
REALDES Study Compares Zilver PTX and Eluvia Drug-Eluting …
4 小时之前 · Patients were enrolled at eight centers in Japan between February 2019 and September 2020, with 96 limbs receiving Zilver PTX and 104 limbs treated with Eluvia. The primary outcome measure was primary patency at 3 years, with secondary outcomes including freedom from CD-TLR and Tosaka classification.
库克公司Zilver支架 - 知乎
Zilver PTX药物支架最早在欧盟上市,时间为2009年。 比美国早3年,比中国早11年。 该支架共有3个第一: 全球唯一的不含聚合物的股浅动脉药物支架。 美国库克公司于1963年成立,其Zilver支架分为胆道支架和血管支架。 Zilver胆道支架于2001年在美国上市,2015年进入中国。 Zilver血管支架于2006年在美国上市,2016年进入中国。 下文只限于Zilver血管支架。 Zilver…
库克医疗推出新一代指轮式Zilver® PTX药物洗脱外周血管支架
Zilver ® PTX药物洗脱外周血管支架在安全性和有效性上有长期的临床数据支持,另外,其在支架尺寸选择上的多样性,将帮助医生与患者之间展开重要对话。
库克医疗公司的Zilver® PTX®获得FDA核准,成为美国首款用于治 …
Zilver PTX是一种混合型治疗器械,既能恢复(血流)畅通,又能靶向施放紫杉醇,紫杉醇是一种细胞生长限制性药物,研究证明能减轻动脉再狭窄(术后阻塞)。
Zilver PTX peripheral paclitaxel-eluting stent: a technology …
The Zilver PTX stent has established efficacy and safety profiles for paclitaxel in the SFA; however, the development of biocompatible polymers capable of extending the elution time of anti-proliferative agents may lead to more effective stent platforms.
FDA批准治疗周围血管病的支架上市 - MedSci.cn
Zilver PTX支架包括一个自扩张金属导管,可将动脉撑开。 支架外表面包被药物为紫杉醇,可预防血管再狭窄。 目前,PAD治疗手段包括运动疗法、药物以及经皮腔内血管成形术(P. 2012年11月15日,美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)批准了Zilver PTX药物洗脱周围血管支架上市,该器械是首个获准治疗周围血管病(PAD)所致的股、腘动脉狭窄或闭塞的药物洗脱支架。 Zilver PTX支架包括一个自扩张金属导管,可将动脉撑开。 支架外表面包被药物为紫杉醇,可预防血管再狭窄 …