Build scalable applications with minimal runtime overhead. Type-safe. Use the full power of the Scala compiler to catch bugs at compile time. Concurrent. Easily build concurrent apps without …
ZIO 2.x Migration Guide
In this guide we want to introduce the migration process to ZIO 2.x. So if you have a project written in ZIO 1.x and want to migrate that to ZIO 2.x, this article is for you. Before you migrate …
ZIO World
The third edition of ZIO World brings together ZIO users and contributors worldwide to showcase the power, performance, and productivity of ZIO 2.0 and its broad-based maturing ecosystem. …
ZIO 2.0 Released – John A De Goes
2022年6月24日 · The new runtime system in ZIO 2 was introduced primarily for performance reasons, and while more work remains to be done here around async workloads, initial results …
zio1升级到zio2踩坑和总结_zio. dev-CSDN博客
在深入学习和理解zio3d项目的过程中,开发者不仅可以掌握Scala、ZIO和LWJGL的使用,还能了解到如何将这些工具和技术有效地整合到一个大型项目中。这不仅有助于提升个人技能,也是 …
ZIO 1.0到ZIO 2.0升级之旅:挑战与解决方案-百度开发者中心
2024年1月17日 · 本文将带你了解从zio 1.0升级到zio 2.0过程中可能遇到的挑战,并提供相应的解决方案。 通过实际案例和实践经验,为你提供可操作的建议,助你顺利完成升级。
Zio Video-over-IP Systems - RGB Spectrum
Zio 2 is the next generation of systems in the revolutionary Zio Enterprise Video-over-IP platform. It is unique among IP video distribution systems in terms of performance, features, and …
Releases · zio/zio - GitHub
ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala - zio/zio
[RocktheJVM] ZIO 2 - 个人学习笔记 - feifeiziyuan.com
在 ZIO 2.0 的终极指南中成长为一名工程师. 什么是 ZIO? ZIO 是一个 Scala 工具包,它允许我们使用纯函数式编程在 Scala 中编写功能强大、并发和高性能的应用程序。 什么? ZIO 描述了 …
- [PDF]
Zio 2
Zio 2 is the next generation of the revolutionary Zio Enterprise AV-over-IP platform. It is unique among IP video distribution systems in terms of performance, features, and versatility, a true …