Zipi y Zape - Wikipedia
Zipi y Zape are the names of two Spanish comic book characters created by José Escobar in 1947, and of their eponymous strip. Their name is derived from the Spanish word zipizape, meaning "turmoil" or "chaos."
Personajes - Zipi y Zape
Padres de Don Pantuflo y abuelos de los Zipi y Zape. Acostumbran a hacer regalos a sus nietos, aunque algunas veces les agota su energía. Zipi y Zape siempre están contentos de verlos y de poder estar con ellos.
Zipi y Zape - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Zipi y Zape es una historieta humorística creada y desarrollada por el autor español José Escobar a partir de 1948, la más popular de las suyas, y una de las más populares del medio en España, solo por detrás de "Mortadelo y Filemón", al menos en su época. [1]
Zipi y Zape
Zipi y Zape son en realidad unos incomprendidos, ¡como todos los niños y niñas! Y nos hablan de los problemas que les preocupan: la escuela, el profesor, sus compañeros y compañeras, sus padres y familiares, etc.
Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang - Wikipedia
Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang (Spanish: Zipi y Zape y el club de la canica) is a 2013 Spanish adventure film directed by Oskar Santos. It is based on the comic book series Zipi y Zape , created by José Escobar Saliente .
Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang (2013) - IMDb
Zipi and Zape are two ten year old twins. They are not mean but they are not the brightest students either. They get caught cheating and their parents sent them to a strict summer school. There they make friends, defy authority and hunt a treasure. The story is fun but predictable, it is a kids story anyway, but had a couple of nice twists.
Zip & Zap and the Captain's Island - Wikipedia
Zip & Zap and the Captain's Island (Spanish: Zipi y Zape y la isla del capitán) is a 2016 Spanish adventure film directed by Oskar Santos and starred by Teo Planell, Toni Gómez and Elena Anaya. [1] [2] This is the sequel to Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang. [3]
Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang streaming online - JustWatch
Original Title: Zipi y Zape y el club de la canica . 60%. 5.5 (1.1k) G . Age rating. 1h 32min. Where to watch Watch for free Synopsis Trailers Similar titles . Watch Now . List. Grid. 🇺🇸 United States . CC. HD . G . 92min - Spanish. Rent. $3.99. Watch Now. Streaming details for Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang on Apple TV . Runtime. 92min ...
Zipi y Zape – The Amazing Adventures of Frederick Luis Aldama
Zipi y Zape, is one of the most popular Spanish comic strip series, first published in 1948 and created by Spanish cartoonist Josep Escobar i Saliente, which has been widely adapted to the cinema, TV and videogames.
Zipi y Zape (Comic Book) - TV Tropes
Zipi y Zape are the names of two iconic Spanish comic book characters created by José Escobar Saliente in 1947, and of their eponymous strip. With Mortadelo y Filemón , they are the most popular and most translated Spanish comic books.