fan-ziqi (robotsfan) · GitHub
常无欲以观其妙. fan-ziqi has 77 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
©2020 - 2024 By Ziqi Fan. 框架 Hexo | 主题 Butterfly 辽ICP备2021010164号-3. Hi, welcome to my blog!
欢迎来到Isaac Lab! — Isaac Lab 文档 - 范子琦的博客
Isaac Lab 是一个统一的、模块化的机器人学习框架,旨在简化机器人研究中的常见工作流程(如强化学习、从示范中学习和运动规划)。 它构建在 NVIDIA Isaac Sim 之上,以利用最新的仿真能力以用于逼真的场景和快速高效的模拟。 该框架的核心目标包括: 模块化: 轻松定制并添加新的环境、机器人和传感器。 灵活性: 适应社区的不断变化需求。 开放性: 保持开源,允许社区贡献和扩展该框架。 功能齐全: 包括多种环境、传感器和任务,可供直接使用。 Isaac Lab 中提供的主要 …
fan-ziqi/robot_lab - GitHub
robot_lab is a RL extension library for robots, based on IsaacLab. It allows you to develop in an isolated environment, outside of the core Isaac Lab repository. This repository currently depends on IsaacLab v2.0.0 or higher. If you prefer to use IsaacLab v1.4.1, please use it …
Ziqi Fan, Ph.D. - Google Scholar
2018 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation … Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP …
GitHub - fan-ziqi/rl_sar: Simulation verification and physical ...
This repository provides a framework for simulation verification and physical deployment of robot reinforcement learning algorithms, suitable for quadruped robots, wheeled robots, and humanoid robots. "sar" stands for "simulation and real" feature: If you want to train policy using IsaacLab (IsaacSim), please use robot_lab project.
Ziqi Fan, Ph.D. - Google Scholar
Subjectively Selected HRTFs for Elevation and Front-Back Distinction (ICAD …
Ziqi FAN | PhD Student | Bachelor of Science - ResearchGate
Ziqi FAN, PhD Student | Cited by 1 | of Nanjing University, Nanjing (NJU) | Read 3 publications | Contact Ziqi FAN
Ziqi Fan, Ph.D. - Google Sites
I am a software engineer at Uber located in Sunnyvale, CA. I received my Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (August 2012 -...
Ziqi Fan | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Ziqi Fan received the BE degree from the School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, China, in 2012. He is working toward the PhD degree in computer science and engineering at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He is a member of Center for Research in Intelligent Storage (CRIS) group under the advice of Professor David H.C. Du.