Zira TV Streamer
Preconfigured to stream Zira to any TV with a remote, Zira's TV Streamer allows you to cast live feeds from Zira dashboards onto large screens for instant insights into production processes. * …
Zira TV Dashboard - Apps on Google Play
2023年11月12日 · Dashboard Browsing: Easily browse through a variety of dashboards with a few simple clicks from your Android TV remote. Scheduled Dashboard Rotations: Set up your …
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Zira TV Dashboard - Google Play 上的应用
用于查看 Zira 仪表板的专用 Android TVC 应用程序。
Zira data-driven management platform
Zira's Marketplace – Zira Store
Your one-stop destination for cutting-edge products and add-ons! Explore a wide range of offerings, from tablets to A.I cameras and power meters. Shop now for innovation at your …
Raspberry Pi Kit – Zira Store
Raspberry Pi is a mini computer capable of running complex applications. At Zira it can be used to access and manage the AI-Cameras or to simply stream Zira to a TV screen. The Zira …
Zira TV Dashboard APK for Android Download - APKPure.com
2023年11月12日 · Dedicated Android TVC App for viewing Zira dashboards. Introducing a seamless way to access Zira dashboards directly from your Android TV! Our application is …
Zira - Simplicity in reactions
Zira lets users add and remove roles from themselves by simply reacting to a message. Since 2017, Zira has been assigning roles in some of the biggest Discord servers on the platform!
ZIRA TV - Facebook
ZIRA TV. 95 likes. Criador do canal Zira TV é um viciado em games, aprendi a respeitar as verdadeiras amizades que fiz jogando, e levo elas comigo até hoje, fanático por séries sou o …