ZiU-9 - Wikipedia
ZiU-9, or ZIU-9 (Cyrillic: ЗиУ-9) is a Soviet (and later Russian) trolleybus. Other names for the ZiU-9 are ZiU-682 and HTI-682 (Cyrillic: ЗиУ-682 and ХТИ-682). The ZiU acronym stands for "Zavod imeni Uritskogo", which means a factory named …
ZiU-5 - Wikipedia
The ZiU-5 (in Russian ЗиУ-5) is a Soviet trolleybus model that was built by the Uritsky factory. The ZiU acronym stands for Zavod imeni Uritskogo (in Russian Завод имени Урицкого, ЗиУ), which translates as Plant named after Uritskiy (Moisei Uritsky, a Russian revolutionary). This model of city trolleybus was in mass production from 1959 to 1972.
ZiU-10 - Wikipedia
ZiU-10 (Zavod imeni Uritskogo, Russian for Uritsky Factory) or ZIU-10 (Russian: ЗиУ-10), [1] also referred to as ZIU-683, [1] is a model of trolleybus, built in Russia. It was manufactured from 1986 until 2008 by the Uritsky Factory, in Engels, [1] which later became Trolza. It is an articulated, three-axle variant of the ZiU-9/ZiU-682. A ...
苏联ZiU-9无轨电车(ЗиУ-9) - 哔哩哔哩
ZiU-9 (也 称为ZiU-682 )是一种苏联高地板无轨电车,大容量城内客运。缩写ZiU来自制造商的全名(Order of the Red Banner of Labor Trolleybus Plant,以乌里茨基命名),位于萨拉托夫州恩格斯市(现为ZAO Trolza)。
新老并存 街拍俄罗斯的公交车_无轨电车 - 搜狐
2019年10月29日 · (本图和上图)摩尔曼斯克的ZiU-9型无轨电车,这是苏联时期问世的一款著名车型,很可能是世界上生产数量最多的无轨电车,从1971年开始生产到2015年停产,ZiU-9无轨电车的总产…
ZiU-682 EMU - OneSkyVed's Trolleybuses Wiki
ZiU-682 - Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) Is a 2 ZiU-9 combined into 1, Large size and often getting stuck almost everywhere, because of big dimensions of this vehicle; Very big amount of passenger transportation capacity; Second twin trolleybus doesn't have full driver's cabin equipment, because...
Trolibusz.Budapest.Hu - ZIU-9
The first two ZIU-9 trolleybus for Budapest were made in 1975, and was taken in the fleet on 31st October, 1975 with numbers 800-801. The Budapest Transportation Company (BKV) bought alltogether 172 ZIU-9 trolleybuses between 1975 and 1982. The very last trolleybus from the Sowiet Union was a unique type.
ZiU-6205 | OneSkyVed's Trolleybuses Wiki | Fandom
The ZiU-6205 (ZiU 10) is a articulated variant of the ZiU-682 (ZiU 9) . Has a slightly different start-up procedure because of the newer thyristor control. Due to this it also has a different...
ZiU-682 - OneSkyVed's Trolleybuses Wiki
The ZiU-682 (ZiU 9) is the first and only free bus in OneSkyVed's Trolleybuses Place (indev). It is a base that was used to create the other vehicles. Top speed: 120km/h (In-game guidelines) ; Has a Radio Announcer.
Trolza - Wikipedia
ZiU/Trolza has built over 65,000 trolleybuses. Historically, the most numerous models of ZiU production were the MTB-82, the ZiU-5 and the ZiU-9 (also known as the ZiU-682). The ZiU-9 is the most widely produced trolleybus in history.