Project Update: For almost 2 years, I have been converting all ... - Reddit
2020年9月8日 · Project Update: For almost 2 years, I have been converting all League of Legends Champions to DnD 5e NPCs, and currently have done 106/150! Check out the links …
r/DnD on Reddit: [OC] [Comm] Zix, Kobold Beastheart and his …
2022年12月24日 · Zix is a Beastheart, which is similar to a Ranger but is very focused on working/synergizing with the companion (which can be a large variety of creatures, Keldaros …
Kha'Zix, from League of Legends : r/dndmonsters - Reddit
2019年10月13日 · Hi, I made Kha'Zix from League of Legends for my party to face in the near-ish future. I haven't made a monster before (and it probably shows), but I'm ambitious and hopeful …
龙与地下城玩家手册 - 翻页书页数 1-50 | AnyFlip
2020年7月14日 · Tyler Jacobson 的插画描述了一幅炽热场景:火巨人斯努尔王 King Snurre 受不了任何活着的蠢货。 他一边奋力赶走家里的不速之. 客,一边呼唤他的地狱犬加入战斗。 在山 …
Xixchil (Creature) - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Xixchil (ZIX-chil) are praying mantis-like “mantoids” who are accomplished craftsmen. Using their fine scalpel-like manipulators at the ends of their forelimbs, they create fine metalwork, …
League of Legends 5e Set 2 - The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
Updated. 5 years ago. get PDF. source
龙与地下城(DND)第五版 戏法列表 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
设定控,对神秘学、魔法和玄幻有兴趣,想创造一个架空世界。 此盘点中的戏法(0环法术)信息为简化版,不涉及随机的伤害数值、属性检定等。 施法距离默认120尺。 戏法是可以随意施 …
什么是 dnd? - 知乎
dnd最里面一层是核心的数学规则,也就是“这个世界要如何运作”。这对于游戏人物来说其实是“不存在”的东西,但是对玩家至关重要,一个动作能否成功以及效果如何的判定基础,是必然还 …
Turning Random League of Legends Champions into a DnD Build ... - Reddit
2021年3月20日 · Kha Zix gets his void claws at Lv 3 with soul knives as well as sneak attacks for his Q from Rogue and then after bolstering it a little till level 6. From then on, he goes …
ArtStation - Sea Monster Concepts | Sea monsters, Creature
Various sea-inspired creatures and monsters done for Wayfinder. Designing some of the monsters and other creatures for Wayfinder were definetly among my favorite of tasks. As …
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