RareSkills ZK Book | Ultimate Zero Knowledge Proof Tutorial
The RareSkills ZK Book teaches developers with no previous cryptography experience how to code a Zero Knowledge Proof from scratch.
零知识证明之书 | 登链社区 | 区块链技术社区
《The RareSkills Book of Zero Knowledge》是一本面向程序员的零知识证明教程,内容涵盖从基础数学到实际编码实现,旨在帮助程序员深入理解零知识证明,尤其是Groth16算法。
WTFAcademy/WTF-zk - GitHub
零知识证明(zero-knowledge proof)入门教程,目的是让仅有高中数学基础的人也能入门zk。 我们会使用python复现一些算法,所以你也需要学python。 我们最近在学习zero-knowledge proof,巩固一下细节,也写一个“WTF zk极简入门”,供小白们使用(编程大佬可以另找教程 ...
Mastering Zero-knowledge Proofs: Practical study of security ...
2024年8月3日 · In this book, you will explore the basics of blockchain and ZKPs. You will gain technical skills like group theory and elliptic curve cryptography. Each chapter covers practical applications of ZKPs in blockchain systems, addressing challenges, ongoing research, and real-world use cases across industries like healthcare and finance.
- 1/5(2)
Zero Knowledge Book by RareSkills - Web3 Jobs
The RareSkills Book of Zero Knowledge is heavily geared towards the programmer seeking to obtain a concrete understanding. Our book is full of code snippets and demonstrates the use of actual cryptography libraries.
- 评论数: 2094
RareSkills Launches Free Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) E-Book
2023年10月18日 · The RareSkills Book of Zero Knowledge is designed to give programmers a concrete understanding of what is needed to actually code a practical ZK-SNARK from scratch. Its free release accompanies the launch of the ZK Proofs bootcamp, a course that teaches everything needed to design and create ZK systems.
RareSkills/zk-book: This is the markdown for the ZK Book - GitHub
This is the markdown for the ZK Book. Contribute to RareSkills/zk-book development by creating an account on GitHub.
剥开零知识证明的洋葱 | 登链社区 | 区块链技术社区
2024年12月16日 · 文章主要基于我对 RareSkills ZK Book 的阅读,以及 zksecurity 的文章、重建 Tornado Cash 和其他相关探索。 本文介绍了零知识(ZK),使你具备足够的概念知识,以便探索工具并构建项目,而不会感到完全像个角色扮演者(LARP)。
zigtur/Rareskills-ZK-book: My work for Rareskills ZK Book. - GitHub
My work for Rareskills ZK Book. Contribute to zigtur/Rareskills-ZK-book development by creating an account on GitHub.
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