指纹识别考勤终端S30 - zktecosecurity.cn
指纹识别考勤机s30是熵基科技推出的一款彩屏指纹考勤机,采用Linux操作系统,功能稳定可靠。 精致的结构设计,符合人体工程学原理。 新模具工艺,突破传统风格,融入当前流行设计元 …
ZKT S30 Fingerprint Time Attendance - Bluewon Global
S30 is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for Time & Attendance applications, offering unparalleled performance using an advanced algorithm for reliability, precision and excellent …
Zkteco S30 Biometric Fingerprint Time Recorder high quality
Zkteco S30 is one of the latest fingerprint time and attendance terminal of ZKSoftware with built-in thermal printer. S30 features the fastest commercial-based fingerprint matching algorithm and …
ZKTeco S30 Best 3" Fingerprint Time Attendance 3000 Users
S30 is an elegant fingerprint time attendance device with high configuration. It supports 3200 fingerprint capacity and 120,000 log capacity, suitable for companies, factories, hospitals, etc..
ZK S30 - Keysecu
Biometric Time Attendance System (ZK-S30) ZK S30 Biometric Fingerprint Time Attendance System
Download Center - ZKTeco
ZKTeco focuses on Biometric Identification development, including verification with fingerprints, faces, finger vein patterns, and iris, in different aspects such as time & attendance, access …
ZKTeco S30 Biometric Time Attendance Machine 3.0″ TFT LCD …
Zkteco S30 Biometric Time Attendance Machine is one of the latest fingerprint time and attendance terminal of ZKSoftware with built-in thermal printer. S30 features the fastest …
【ZKTeco S30】报价_参数_图片_论坛_ZKTeco ZKTeco S30熵基考 …
中关村在线为您提供ZKTeco S30考勤机最新报价,同时包括熵基ZKTeco S30图片、熵基ZKTeco S30参数、熵基ZKTeco S30评测行情、熵基ZKTeco S30论坛、熵基ZKTeco S30点评和经销 …
中控智慧ZKTeco 熵基S30指纹考勤机 网络局域网打卡签到机U盘下载TCPIP2.8英寸彩屏 S30 …
中控智慧ZKTeco 熵基S30指纹考勤机 网络局域网打卡签到机U盘下载TCPIP2.8英寸彩屏 S30标配+8GU盘 带增票图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立 …
Zkteco S30 Biometric Time Attendance Machine 3 inch TFT LCD
Zkteco S30 Biometric Time Attendance Machine - 3.0″ TFT LCD - Fingerprint and/or PINs - Optional ID/IC - RS232/485, TCP/IP, U-Client, U disk - Optical Sensor |