CZK - vz. 53 (30 mm PLDvK) : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / …
The gun was designed to fire at air targets flying at 280 m/s at ground and low altitudes. Furthermore, it could be used to destroy illumination bombs, airborne drops and to fire at ground targets, armoured personnel carriers and light tanks.
M53/59 Praga - Wikipedia
The M53/59 Praga is a Czechoslovak self-propelled anti-aircraft gun developed in the late 1950s. It consists of an armoured version of the Praga V3S six-wheel drive truck chassis, armed with a modified version of the M53 twin 30 mm (1.2 in) anti-aircraft gun mounted on the rear, which can be removed and used to provide ground support. [8]
3 cm MK 303 Flak - Wikipedia
The 3 cm MK 303 Flak and twin-mounted 3 cm MK 303 Flakzwilling (M44) were experimental 30 mm anti-aircraft guns developed in Nazi Germany. They fired the powerful 30x210mm round and only 222 were produced. [1]
捷克斯洛伐克战后防空炮发展(上) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
ZK.453理论上可以达到每分钟500发的高射速,但其10发弹匣供弹的设计将实战射速限制在了100RPM。 它有穿甲弹、燃烧曳光弹和高爆破片弹三种弹药,穿甲燃烧曳光弹质量为540克,初速为1 000米/秒,距离500米,可以在500米距离上击穿55毫米厚的均质钢装甲。 质量为450克的高爆破片弹初速为1 000米/秒,空中目标的射击距离可达3000m。 火炮安装在一个四轮牵引底盘上,当抵达射击位置,便会放下四个驻锄。 行进重量2100kg,战斗1750kg。 炮组5人。 防空训练的 …
vz. 53 (30 mm PLDvK) : Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK)
Prototyp kanóna vyrobený v roku 1949 niesol továrenské označenie „ZK 453“ a jeho automatika využívala piestový mechanizmus, čo zaručovalo vysokú rýchlosť streľby a účinný výškový dostrel. Začiatkom roka 1950 prešiel prototyp komisionálnymi skúškami. Výsledky boli vyhovujúce a streľba na vlečný rukáv bola hodnotená ako veľmi dobrá.
ZK453 (30 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The ZK453 is the factory designation of a Czechoslovak gun from the Cold War era. Its origins however date back to before World War II when the development of the "303 Br gun" began by Zbrojovka. Brno but was cut short when the nation was annexed by Germany in 1938.
30 x210 mm Development for 1945 (Zbrojovka Brno, Czech )
2023年1月21日 · I will outline the post-war development of the 30mm machine gun and ammunition. Stage ZK-453 from 1945 to 1947. Between the years 5/1945 and 5/1946, no new ammunition was ordered for this machine gun. I will not mention the number of weapons that Zbrojovka had in stock from the war, nor the number of gun carriages.
M53/59 | War Thunder Wiki
The M53/59, known as Praga PLDvK vz. 53/59-"Ještěrka" (Praga twin-cannon AA Model 53/59 "Lizard") in Czech, is an ex-Czechoslovak SPAA built from the chassis of a Praga V3S truck with a pair of 30 mm ZK453 autocannon onboard.
M53/59 - War Thunder Wiki
The anti-aircraft gun is a towed ZK453 weapon system variant. The weapon system uses large vertical 50-round magazines rather than the belt feeding system found in other SPAA of the same era. The Praga V3S is a reliable chassis, but off-road capabilities are limited due to the increased weight caused by mounting the cannon.
【图片】捷克斯洛伐克的ZK453是不是FLAK20毫米高射炮的放大版 …