Wheelgun Wednesday: Czech Revolver – The ZKR-551
2021年3月3日 · The ZKR-551 was a single action, fixed cylinder revolver with an ejector rod design direct from the 1873 Colt SAA, as well as a swing down loading gate. They had assistance in this effort from Augustin Necas, who had a hand in designing previous Czech revolvers.
CZ Model ZKR 551 Target Revolver - Revivaler
2015年11月24日 · The Czechoslovakian CZ ZKR 551 target revolver was designed by the Koucky brothers around 1955-1956 and became popular in Czechoslovakia and amongst some shooters in Europe. Examples even made their way to such exotic locations as Australia where they became well regarded if not popular.
An interesting pair of Model ZKR 551 Revolvers made by Zbrojovka Brno in the former Czechoslovakia in 1962. (A) Fitted with 6" octagonal ribbed barrel with partridge front sight and adjustable square notch rear. Marked .38 Special. Outfitted with contoured and checkered wood two piece grips. Blued single action revolver with 6 shot cylinder.
ZKR 551 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, …
Česká Zbrojovka ZKR 551 is a Czech target revolver. It appeared in 1957 and was designed by brothers Koucký for UIT Centerfire event (ZKR stands for "Zbrojovka-Koucký-Revolver"). The main production version was chambered for .38 Special but versions in .32 S&W Long, .22 LR and 7.62×38mmR calibers also existed.
A fine .38 (Spl) 'Model ZKR 551' target revolver by C.Z., no. 1292
2013年12月4日 · A fine .38 (Spl) 'Model ZKR 551' target revolver by C.Z., no. 1292 Blued finish, the left side with makers' stamp, ramp-mounted foresight and adjustable rear-sight, Derek Gent custom wooden grips 6in. barrel, Birmingham nitro reproof
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Československý terčový revolver ZKR 551 | Vojenský historický …
Už v roku 1958 získali diela československých zbrojných konštruktérov zlatú medailu na svetovej výstave v Bruseli. Medzi nimi aj revolver ZKR 551 (Zbrojovka-Koucký-Revolver) kalibru .38 Special, určený predovšetkým pre náboj s olovenou strelou typu wadcutter.
Sportovní revolver ZKR 551
Na rozdíl od řady jiných revolverů s jednočinným spoušťovým mechanismem měl ZKR 551 možnost regulace propadu a odporu spouště. V lučíku, který tvořil odnímatelnou součást rámu, byl uložen otočný šroub, jehož vyčnívající obvod byl opatřen osmi drážkami a do jedné z nich zapadala kuželovitá hlava odpruženého ...
Československý terčový revolver ZKR 551 - MAGNET PRESS
2022年8月25日 · Československý terčový revolver ZKR 551 V roku 1954 sa objavil na majstrovstvách sveta v streľbe z veľkokalibrovej pištole v Caracase vo Venezuele terčový revolver kalibru .38 Special.