SF100 - ZKTeco
The SF100 is an IP based fingerprint terminal works both in network and standalone modes. In network mode, it can connect with ZKBio CVAccess software for access control and time attendance management.
ML100 - ZKTeco
100 (administrator:10, normal user:90) Passcode Capacity. 100 (administrator:10, normal user:90) IC Card Capacity. 100 (only normal user: 100) Fingerprint Sensor Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor. Power Supply 4 × AA Alkaline Battery (not included) …
ZKTeco熵基致力于生物识别核心技术赋能、智慧出入口“人、车、物”软件平台赋能、ZKTeco+智慧办公云平台赋能三大业务领域,为全球公共服务用户、企事业级用户及个人用户提供服务。. 生物识别核心技术赋能综合业务(智慧身份核验场景):从指纹、虹膜、面部、静脉等生理及行为特征 …
ZKTeco产品说明书|熵基科技产品说明书-北京中控智慧科技发展有 …
ZKTeco熵基科技电子版说明书,包含考勤机,门禁机,门禁控制,消费机,访客机,通道闸机,停车场,梯控,门禁配件等产品说明书,ZKTeco熵基科技(原中控智慧)是一家以生物识别为核心技术,专业提供智慧身份核验、智慧出入口管理、智慧办公产品及解决方案的国家高新技术企 …
xFace100指纹人脸识别考勤机|ZKTeco熵基-北京中控智慧科技发展 …
xFace100是ZKTeco推出的一款多光谱智能人脸识别终端考勤机,采用Linux操作系统,运用高性能人脸识别算法,0.5秒内快速识别。配置200万高清双目摄像头,实现精准人员身份验证。兼具门磁、报警、开锁、出门开关等门禁管理功能,满足大众化需求,守护办公环境安全,适用于酒店考勤 …
SCR100 | ZKTeco
SCR-100 is an access control terminal with incorporated proximity reader (EM by default). With a modern and elegant design without keypad and display, it’s the perfect solution for small and medium access control installations.
MB100 - ZKTeco
The MB100 is an innovative device for the management of time and attendance of employees, supports verification methods through face, fingerprint, card, password and combinations of the above. User verification is performed in less than 1 second, which streamlines the process at the time of entry and exit. The communication between the MB100 and the PC is made via the TCP / IP interface or via ...
UF100Plus-S人脸识别考勤机|ZKTeco熵基-北京中控智慧科技发展有 …
2023年3月27日 · UF100Plus-S作为ZKTeco熵基科技推出的混合识别考勤终端,采用了ZKTeco高速面部识别算法,识别精准、速度快,光线适应性高。采用光学指纹采集器,指纹采集面大,识别效果更佳;UF100Plus-S自带2.8英寸TFT彩屏,搭配红外大灯方案,可以加强用户面部登记比对体 …
SF100 - ZKTeco
The SF100 is an IP based fingerprint terminal works both in network and standalone modes. In network mode, it can connect with ZKAccess3.5 software for access control and time attendance management. Wiegand output makes SF100 flexible to connect with ZK or any 3rd party controllers as a slave reader. Additionally wiegand input allows two units of SF100 to configure with each other and utilize ...