Access Control - ZKTeco
ZKTeco’s KF1100 Pro & KF1200 Pro is a sophisticated visible light facial authentication and RFID reader. This series can operate either as a biometric readers or as standalone access control devices, offering you the flexibility to choose the mode that best suits your needs.
Download Center - ZKTeco
ZKTeco focuses on Biometric Identification development, including verification with fingerprints, faces, finger vein patterns, and iris, in different aspects such as time & attendance, access control, video surveillance, entrance control, smart lock and more.
ZKAccess3.5 Access Control Software – Reviews, Photos, Manuals
As a professional access control software, ZKAccess3.5 is designed to manage all ZKTeco’s access control panels and standalone access control terminals. The software can simultaneously manage access control and generate attendance report. Powerful data processing capacity, allowing the management of the access control data for 30,000 people.
ZKTeco熵基致力于生物识别核心技术赋能、智慧出入口“人、车、物”软件平台赋能、ZKTeco+智慧办公云平台赋能三大业务领域,为全球公共服务用户、企事业级用户及个人用户提供服务。 生物识别核心技术赋能综合业务(智慧身份核验场景):从指纹、虹膜、面部、静脉等生理及行为特征核心技术授权,到混合生物识别核心传感器的设计研发,再到混合生物识别及计算机视觉赋能的百傲慧识软件平台及混合生物识别身份认证 O2O 智能终端及解决方案,为众多垂直行业、合作伙 …
F22-BLA ZKTECO 2.4" Color Display Access Control and Fingerprint …
F22 features the fastest commercial-based fingerprint matching algorithm and ZKTeco high-performance, high image quality infrared detection fingerprint sensor.
F22 Fingerprint T&A and Access Control Terminal with Wi-Fi
Ultra-thin fingerprint time attendance and access control terminal with BioID sensor and Wi-Fi. F22 offers flexibility for standalone installation or with any third-party access control panel that supports standard Wiegand signal. TCP/IP, RS485 and Wi-Fi are also available that the device can be used in different networks.
Installation Guide - ZKTeco
ZKTeco focuses on Biometric Identification development, including verification with fingerprints, faces, finger vein patterns, and iris, in different aspects such as time & attendance, access control, video surveillance, entrance control, smart lock and more.
F18 - ZKTeco
F18 is an innovative biometric ngerprint reader for access control application.With high-performance rmware functions and compact design, it has become one of ZKTeco's most popular devices. It is applied with ZKTeco's latest firmware with user-friendly UI and exible user privilege settings for multi-level management.
Before use, please read this manual carefully to avoid the unnecessary damage! The company reminds you that the proper user will improve the use affect and authentication speed. No …
Products - ZKTeco Philippines
Using ZK lastest ZKFACE 7.0 high-speed face recognition algorithm, it has extremely high verification speed and low error rate. With its high-resolution infrared night vision light and professional color duo camera, the terminal can carry out quick verification in any environment.