ZKTeco | Biometrics and Computer Vision
ZKTeco applies the pioneering 3D surface imaging technique and develops its 3D Structured Facial Recognition, which proactively projects light to an object and observes light coding of the object’s surface to calculate the disparity between the original projected patterns and the observed patterns deformed by the surface.
Download the latest ZKTeco time attendance and access control software and product datasheets, user manuals, installation guides, and start guides here.
ZKTeco熵基致力于生物识别核心技术赋能、智慧出入口“人、车、物”软件平台赋能、ZKTeco+智慧办公云平台赋能三大业务领域,为全球公共服务用户、企事业级用户及个人用户提供服务。 生物识别核心技术赋能综合业务(智慧身份核验场景):从指纹、虹膜、面部、静脉等生理及行为特征核心技术授权,到混合生物识别核心传感器的设计研发,再到混合生物识别及计算机视觉赋能的百傲慧识软件平台及混合生物识别身份认证 O2O 智能终端及解决方案,为众多垂直行业、合作伙 …
MB460 - ZKTeco
MB460 is an innovative product featured with ZK advanced fingerprint and face recognition technologies. It supports multiple verification methods including face, fingerprint, card, password, combinations between them and basic access control functions. User verification is performed in less than 1 second, which streamlines the process of access.
2021年3月12日 · 用户购买ZKTeco考勤机需要收取考勤记录,统计报表,排班,以及人员和部门管理,那么就需要下载ZKTeco考勤管理系统,软件型号为ZKtime5.0。 该软件可通过U盘或者网络进行考勤记录收取,从而进行考勤报表统计。
ZKT ECO考勤机 - 京东
ZKT ECO熵基中控xface600动态人脸识别考勤机指纹面部门禁一体机 4号套餐(标配机)
K40 - ZKTeco
ZKteco K40 is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for access control application.
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ZKTeco focuses on Biometric Identification development, including verification with fingerprints, faces, finger vein patterns, and iris, in different aspects such as time & attendance, access control, video surveillance, entrance control, smart lock and more.
ZKTeco USA, Protection, multifamily - ZKTeco USA | access control …
Join the countless businesses, institutions, and government agencies that trust ZKTeco USA to provide the protection they need. Your security is our business, and we take it seriously. Choose ZKTeco USA as your Complete, Personalized, & Dependable Physical Security Solution Provider.
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ZKTeco focuses on Biometric Identification development, including verification with fingerprints, faces, finger vein patterns, and iris, in different aspects such as time & attendance, access control, video surveillance, entrance control, smart lock and more.