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File:ZMI-logo.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
2016年5月1日 · This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions. See
关于紫米-ZMI紫米官网 - zmifi.com
Home - ZMI Holdings
ZMI Holding, offers a diversified and modular fleet that provides the energy industry with efficient solutions for both exploration and production operations. Our fleet of Jack-Up Barges, Offshore supply vessels, and support systems are designed to meet the specific needs of each project, enabling the company to provide tailored solutions for ...
ZMI specializes in researching and developing accessories for high-end smart phones, Wireless Bluetooth Earphone and smart hardware, released under our own branding. ZMI products lead the market with their superior quality and competitive pricing.
紫米是集研发、设计、生产、销售为一体的全球3C消费电子知名品牌,成立于2010年,作为一家年轻而有活力的品牌,紫米深耕于科技的探索和创新,是一家以推动3C数码手配行业创新为使命的企业,以“紫米”为商标,积极进行品牌化推广、品牌化运营,致力于成为全球领先的3c消费电子品 …
拆解报告:紫米18W USB-C PD充电器 - 充电头网 - 我们只谈充电
紫米18W PD充电器外观上保持紫米一贯以来的简约风格,全白色壳体,塑料材质,表面光滑,中央有“ZM”的logo。 采用单USB-C接口,接口面微微凹陷,磨砂处理。
ZMi Holdings Logo PNG vector in SVG, PDF, AI, CDR format
ZMi Holdings Logo Zakher Marine International provides services to the Offshore Oil and Gas Industries and Offshore Marine Construction Companies and is clearly focused on client satisfaction and retention.
45W USB PD输出,ZMI紫米65W多口充电器评测 - 什么值得买
2018年10月30日 · 紫米充电器采用了纸质包装,白底黑字,简朴风格。 正面有“ZMI”LOGO,产品实图,以及产品名称:ZMI USB 充电器 65W 快充版(3口)。 右上角还标注有送一条 数据线。 侧面有充电器的制造商与生产厂家信息。 背面上方印有充电器的三大特点:三口同时输出可达65W、USB-A支持20W输出、USB-C功率最大输出45W。 下方印有详细产品参数。 输出参数:USB-A(双口同时)5V/3.6A;USB-A 5V/3A、9V/2.2A、12V/1.7A;USB-C 5V/3A、9V/3A …
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