镍锌电池 - 百度百科
镍锌(NiZn)电池是一种可以替代 镍氢电池 的 新型电池,标称1.6V,常见有5号aa和7号aaa。 与 镍氢 、 镍镉电池 相比,具有电压高、放电电流强的特点。 在数码相机、 闪光灯 、电动玩具方面有着无与伦比的优势。 镍锌电池电压高。 与过去的AA电池相比它的电压达到1.6V。 比 镍氢电池 的1.2V要高得多,更适用于传统的使用1.5V电池的电器。 它可以使 闪光灯 回电更快。 使数码相机充分用完其电量。 而很多镍氢电池用在数码相机上仅使用了30%的电量就低电关机了。 …
High alloy zinc nickel finishes containing 12 – 15% nickel plated from alkaline electrolytes meet the highest performance requirements of the automotive and non automotive industries.
What Engineers Should Know about Zinc-Nickel Coatings
Feb 26, 2017 · Zn-Ni coatings are ideal for applications where corrosion protection is essential, from automotive, agricultural, and construction equipment to electrical transmission equipment, as well as...
Gamma-phase Zn-Ni alloy deposition by pulse-electroplating …
Dec 15, 2020 · The γ-phase Zn Ni alloy possesses higher corrosion resistance, better mechanical characteristics (hardness, ductility, wear resistance and weldability) and higher thermal stability than pure Zn or other Zn alloys.
Zinc-Nickel (Zn-Ni) coatings are corrosion resistant finishes that are electroplated onto the surface of parts. They typically contain between 10-15% Nickel, and provide superior protection over zinc plating.
Controlled Compositions in Zn–Ni Coatings by Anode Material
Jul 25, 2024 · Zn–Ni alloys offer the greatest reduction in corrosion rate and the most significant positive shift in corrosion potential, followed closely by Zn–Co alloys. Zn–Sn and Zn–Fe alloys also enhance corrosion resistance but to a lesser degree.
摘要 采用酸性电镀体系在304不锈钢基体上制备了Zn涂层、Ni涂层及Zn-Ni复合涂层,研究了各涂层的表面形貌、元素含量、结合强度、电化学腐蚀性能以及不同载荷和介质下的摩擦学性能。扫描电镜(SEM)结果显示Zn-Ni复合涂层具...
碱性电镀锌镍合金的研究 - jcscp.org
采用扫描电镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)等对优化的Zn-Ni合金镀层进行了表征,发现镀层主要具有γ相(NiZn 3)结构,其表面平整、致密、光亮;腐蚀测试表明Zn-Ni合金镀层具有优良的耐蚀性能。
电镀Zn-Ni合金研究进展与应用现状-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊 …
摘要 Zn-Ni合金镀层以其良好的耐蚀性、低氢脆性而成为替代锌镀层和镉镀层的优良镀层.本文介绍了电镀Zn-Ni合金的应用现状,分析对比了酸性体系和碱性体系电镀Zn-Ni合金的特点,重点概括了碱性Zn-Ni合金镀液体系中配位剂和...
FAQ - Zn-Ni.com
What is LHE Zn-Ni? LHE Zn-Ni is a low hydrogen embrittlement zinc-nickel alloy plating process that is used as an environmentally friendly replacement to cadmium plating. LHE Zn-Ni contains 12 to 16 percent nickel and has a microporous deposit structure that provides sacrificial corrosion protection to steel substrates.