ZnO:InN oxynitride: A novel and unconventional photocatalyst for ...
2019年10月1日 · A novel UV–visible light active oxynitride photocatalyst, ZnO:InN, has been demostrated to exhibit efficient hydrogen evolution from water as compared to some conventional photocatalysts.
Structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO–InN quaternary ...
2023年9月1日 · In this study, we fabricated the ZnO–InN compound films via reactive sputtering with N 2 O and N 2 gases as the sputtering gas, and investigated their structural, optical and electrical properties with the aim of providing a comprehensive understanding for such a complicated quaternary semiconductor. 2. Experimental details.
ZnO–InN nanostructures with tailored photocatalytic properties …
2013年12月13日 · Incorporating InN into ZnO, the random (ZnO) 1−x (InN) x alloys up-shifts the VBM and down-shifts the conduction-band minimum (CBM). In addition, the presence of InN-like clusters enhances this effect and significantly narrows the band gap.
三五族异质结的自发极化、压电极化及2DEG - CSDN博客
2022年5月21日 · 三族氮化物GaN、AlN和InN具有稳定的纤锌矿和亚稳的闪锌矿两种结构,两者电学性质差异很大。 闪锌矿结构不具备自发极化性质(此点稍后阐明),因此普遍采用纤锌矿结构。
Electronic structure of (ZnO)1−x (InN)x alloys calculated by ...
2019年1月10日 · We calculated the electronic structure of (ZnO) 1−x (InN) x, (=ZION), which belongs to a novel category of hybrid (II–VI) 1−x (III–V) x alloys, by the interacting quasi-band theory aided by the sp 3 tight-binding model of the wurzite structure.
Controllable Synthesis of [11−2−2] Faceted InN Nanopyramids on ZnO …
2018年4月3日 · Indium nitride (InN) is one of the promising narrow band gap semiconductors for utilizing solar energy in photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. However, its widespread application is still hindered by the difficulties in growing high-quality InN samples.
具有定制光催化特性的ZnO-InN纳米结构,可用于整体水分 …
通过结合InN设计用于一步光催化水分解的ZnO基电极。 通过第一性原理分析了(ZnO)1- x(InN)x合金和具有InN类簇结构ZnO:(InN)x的ZnO的电子和光学性质。
Synthesis of hexagonal ZnO microdisk on InN substrate by
2016年6月9日 · In this study, hexagonal ZnO microdisk cavities were grown on InN/sapphire template in the aqueous solutions. The mechanism of hexagonal ZnO microdisk growth was proposed. It was speculated that In(OH) 3 buffer layer was formed due to the unstable characteristics of InN template.
InN and GaN/InN monolayers grown on ZnO(0001¯) and ZnO(0001)
2018年9月20日 · Thin InN and GaN/InN films were grown on oxygen-polar (O) (000 1 ¯) and zinc-polar (Zn) (0001) zinc oxide (ZnO) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy.
GaN、InN、ZnO 薄膜生长动力学研究及光电器件制备 - 百度学术
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