借助抽运-探测技术研究了ZnTe晶体中光学整流产生的太赫兹(THz)辐射,利用ZnTe晶体的线性电光效应探测THz辐射场分布,观察到了较窄(约为0.2 ps)的THz场分布及相应较宽(响应超过4 THz,半峰宽约为2.4 THz)的THz频谱,并运用琼斯矩阵对实验结果进行了理论拟合.
Terahertz generation from ZnTe optically pumped above and …
We report on the generation of THz waves through optical rectification in ZnTe of femtosecond laser pulses whose photon energy is tuned from below to above the ZnTe bandgap energy. The THz signal exhibits a pronounced peak at the bandgap energy, at THz frequencies for which losses in ZnTe remain small.
Modified Bridgman assisted ZnTe crystal growth for THz device ...
2024年10月5日 · ZnTe, a cubic, non-centrosymmetric crystal, with Te having higher electronegativity than Zn, leads to electron charge distribution towards Te in chemical bonds. This study investigates THz pulse generation from ZnTe crystals using femtosecond laser pulses through optical rectification.
(PDF) Terahertz Generation from ZnTe Optically Pumped
2021年4月12日 · We report on the generation of THz waves through optical rectification in ZnTe of femtosecond laser pulses whose photon energy is tuned from below to above the ZnTe bandgap energy. The THz...
A wide range THz pulses generation in ZnTe crystals
The THz generation in ZnTe crystals by widely varying pumping fluences is reported. Some abnormal nonlinear effects were observed including the evolution of THz spectra and the phase shift of temporal waveforms. Moreover, the THz efficiency can enhance again at high pumping fluence due to the saturation of free carrier.
Large-area electro-optic ZnTe terahertz emitters - Optica …
We present a detailed experimental and theoretical study of terahertz (THz) generation and beam propagation in an optoelectronic THz system consisting of a large-area (ZnTe) electro-optic emitter and a standard electro-optic detector, and provide a comparison to …
碲化锌(ZnTe)晶体 - 精葳光学
碲化锌(ZnTe)晶体是一种具有立方闪锌矿结构的电光晶体,属于Ⅱ-Ⅵ族化合物半导体。 它通常被应用于太赫兹(THz)波的产生和探测,以及光电子器件的制造。
Optimized Optical Rectification and Electro-optic Sampling in ZnTe …
2011年9月22日 · ZnTe crystals of 1–2 mm thickness are the classical choices for generation and detection of THz pulses in the low THz range (0–3 THz), and here we consider crystals of 1 mm thickness for both generation and detection.
Optimized terahertz generation via optical rectification in ZnTe …
2014年1月1日 · We report on optimal control of the output energy of terahertz (THz) waves generated by optical rectification of femtosecond pulses in ZnTe crystals. An enhancement by a factor up to 2.4 is...
ZnTe晶体中光学整流产生的THz辐射及其电光探测研究 - 道客巴巴
2016年8月24日 · E_mail:[email protected].引 言随着太赫兹(THz)辐射在成像技术 、材料分析测试 、光谱探测 、医学诊断等领域的广泛应用而倍受人们关注,THz 辐射的产生和探测已成为一个十分活跃的研究领域.目前, 人们主要利用超短激光脉冲聚焦到晶体上 ,通过光学整流或者光电导偶 ...