The zinc cluster transcription factor Znc1 regulates Rta3
2024年6月11日 · Zinc cluster transcription factors (ZCFs) are a family of transcription regulators that are almost exclusively found in the fungal kingdom. Activating mutations in the ZCFs Mrr1, Tac1, and Upc2 frequently cause acquired resistance to the widely used antifungal drug fluconazole in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans.Similar to a hyperactive Tac1, a constitutively active form of the ZCF Znc1 ...
Candida albicans Zn Cluster Transcription Factors Tac1 and Znc1 …
A tac1Δ/Δ znc1Δ/Δ strain was complemented by ZNC1 (yLM676), TAC1 (yLM677), or both (yLM675) and treated with FOH (50 μM). Parallel experiments were also conducted in wild-type (yLM660), tac1 deletion (yLM663), parental tac1 znc1 double deletion (yLM664), and mock complementation (yLM678) strains for comparison.
C. albicans Zn Cluster Transcription Factors Tac1 and Znc1 are ...
2018年5月11日 · The results show that CDR1 expression, and its regulation by TAC1 and ZNC1, facilitates growth in the presence of high farnesol concentrations in C. albicans, and certain strains of its close relative C. dubliniensis. Farnesol, a quorum-sensing molecule, inhibits C. albicans hyphal formation, affects its biofilm formation and dispersal, and impacts its stress response. Several aspects of ...
ZNC1, is located directly upstream of . TAC1. on chromosome 5. Similar to activated forms of Tac1, the artificially activated Znc1 (hereafter referred to as Znc1 *) caused overexpression of . CDR1 (but not . CDR2), and the increased fluconazole resistance conferred by Znc1* was lost in . cdr1. Δ mutants (3). Transcriptional profiling of ...
C. albicans Zn Cluster Transcription Factors Tac1 and Znc1 are ...
2018年5月11日 · A related molecule, 1-dodecanol, invokes a similar TAC1/ZNC1 response, while several other proposed C. albicans quorum sensing molecules do not. TAC1 and ZNC1 both bind to and up-regulate the CDR1 promoter in response to farnesol. Differences in inducer and DNA binding specificity lead to Tac1 and Znc1 having overlapping, but non-identical ...
2018年5月11日 · 1 C. albicans Zn Cluster Transcription Factors Tac1 and Znc1 are Activated by Farnesol to 2 Up Regulate a Transcriptional Program Including the Multi-Drug Efflux Pump CDR1 3 4 5 Zhongle Liub, John M. Rossib, Lawrence C. Myersa,b,# 6 7 aDepartment of Medical Education and bDepartment of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Geisel
ZnDC2,ZnC1,C2700T-H,BNC1,ABS 请问这5个代号分别代表那些材 …
zndc2,znc1,c2700t-h,bnc1,abs 请问这5个代号分别代表那些材质?只要你提供的资料齐全 这些很容易的可以帮助你 例
of a gene, ZNC1, involved in the dimorphic transition in Y. lipolytica. The ZNC1 gene encodes a 782 amino acid protein that contains a Zn(II) 2C 6 fungal-type zinc finger DNA-binding domain and a leucine zipper domain. ZNC1 transcription is elevated during yeast growth and decreases during the formation of mycelium.
The zinc cluster transcription factor Znc1 regulates Rta3 …
A hyperactive form of Znc1 causes constitutive RTA3 overexpression and increased miltefosine resistance. (A) Detection of ZNC1 and RTA3 transcripts in the wild-type parental strain SC5314 and derivatives expressing ZNC1* or TAC1* from the ADH1 promoter; rta3Δ and znc1Δ mutants served as negative controls.Yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) overnight cultures of the strains were diluted 10 ...
Analysis of a fungus-specific transcription factor family, the
2013年7月12日 · Artificially activated Mrr1, Tac1 and Upc2 confer drug resistance. A. Schematic of various Mrr1 fusion proteins. Wild-type Mrr1 consists of 1108 amino acids, Mrr1DB-Gal4AD–HA (Mrr1DB–GAD) is a fusion of the Mrr1 DNA-binding domain (amino acids 1–128) to the activation domain of Gal4 from S. cerevisiae (amino acids 767–881) carrying a 3xHA tag, Mrr1–HA is full-length Mrr1 with a C ...