Rohde and Schwarz ZNH18 - TEquipment
The R&S ZNH is a full two-port handheld vector network analyzer (VNA) that offers one-port cable and antenna measurement and full two-port S-parameter measurements. The touch-based interface simplifies operation and a configuration overview …
R&S®ZNH Handheld vector network analyzer | Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®ZNH is a full two-port handheld vector network analyzer that offers one-port cable and antenna measurement and full two-port S-parameter measurements. The touch based interface is simple to operate and a configuration overview menu makes measurement preparation more …
R&S®ZNH 手持式矢量网络分析仪 | Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®ZNH 是一款全双端口手持式矢量网络分析仪,可以提供单端口电缆和天线测量以及全双端口 S 参数测量。 采用触摸屏的仪器界面操作简单,配置概况菜单便于更加有效地完成测量准备工作。 R&S®ZNH 虽体积小巧但所有架构一应俱全,并具备高性能和所有重要功能。 精密的射频架构支持最新的校准类型. R&S®ZNH 采用四接收机架构,端口 1 和端口 2 均有一个专用参考接收机和测试接收机,能够支持更多高级校准类型,例如未知直通、开路器、短路器和匹配负载 (UOSM) …
ZNH18 - Newark Electronics
The R&S®ZNH is a full two-port handheld vector network analyser (VNA) that offers one-port cable and antenna measurement and full two-port S-parameter measurements. The touch based interface simplifies operation and a configuration overview …
R&S®ZNH18 - Rohde & Schwarz | Vector Network Analyzer
The R&S®ZNH18 from Rohde & Schwarz is a Vector Network Analyzer with Frequency 30 KHz to 18 GHz, Measurement Speed 761 µs, Dynamic Range 80 to 88 dB, Output Power 0 dBm, Directivity 41 to 48 dB. Tags: VNA with Screen.
R&S®ZNH 产品手册及数据手册 - Rohde & Schwarz
Full 2-port Handheld Vector Network Analyzer. Low in complexity, high in precision. Test equipment for your bench from R&S®ESSENTIALS. The Rohde & Schwarz Health Guide for vector network analyzers gives advice to prevent electrical and mechanical damage. R&S®ESSENTIALS为您的工作台提供各种测试设备. Instrumentos de teste R&S®ESSENTIALS para sua bancada.
The R&S®ZNH is a full two-port handheld vector network analyzer (VNA) that offers one-port cable and antenna measurement and full two-port S-parameter measurements. The touch based interface simplifies operation and a configuration overview …
Rohde & Schwarz ZNH18 (1321.1611.18) | Handheld vector …
The ZNH is a full two-port handheld vector network analyzer (VNA) that offers one-port cable and antenna measurement and full two-port S-parameter measurements. The touch based interface simplifies operation and a configuration overview menu …
ZNH18 : ( 30 KHZ~18 GHZ ) 手持式矢量网络分析仪
罗德与施瓦茨 R&S®手持式矢量网络分析仪ZNH18 :30 kHz ~ 18 GHz. 主要规格. 主要特点. 技术参数. 口 S 参数测量。 采用触摸屏的仪器界面操作简单,配置概况菜单便于更加有效地完成测量准备工作。 R&S®ZNH 虽体积小巧但所有架构一应俱全,并具备高性能和所有重要功能。 等各种评估。 R&S®ZNH 支持标准模式的全 2 端口 S 参数测量和 1端口电缆和天线测量,并以低价. 格覆盖所有这些需要的评估。 输出设备。 轻松找到较长电缆的断线位置。 R&S®ZNH 可以进行进入 …
R&S®ZNH – during calibration, you can create your own sequence for the connection of calibration standards. VNA Master – during calibration, you have to follow the set sequence and have no flexibility. R&S®ZNH weighs only 3.1 kg while VNA Master weighs 4.5 kg. R&S®ZNH versus VNA Master – 3 h operation. VNA Master – fan is noisy and gathers dust.