Zone (band) - Wikipedia
Zone (ゾーン) was an all-female rock band started in Sapporo, Japan, in 1997. It started as a dance group and turned into an all-female band. Zone has been categorized in a new [when?] …
ZONE | Jpop Wiki | Fandom
ZONE was an all-female pop-rock band. They were originally formed as an eight member dance and vocal unit, but had become a four member band by the time of their CD debut. TOMOKA, …
ZONE - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
ZONE,是一個日本女子偶像樂團,成員皆為北海道 札幌市人(但成員MAIKO為大阪府 吹田市出生),於2005年4月1日解散,經紀公司為Studio Runtime。在2011年8月宣告以三人的姿態復 …
ZONE解散から19年…引退メンバーが芸能界に電撃復帰 再結成に …
2024年4月30日 · ガールズバンド・ZONE。10代の4人組で2001年にメジャーデビューを果たし、3枚目シングル『secret base~君がくれたもの~』はCD約70万枚を売り上げる大ヒット …
Japanga.com | Japanese Music | Zone
Zone was an all-female pop rock band started in Sapporo, Japan in 1999. Although it initially started as a dance group, they turned to an all-female band. Zone has been categorized in a …
Zone music, videos, stats, and photos - Last.fm
2025年1月23日 · ZONE from Japan was a J-pop band started in Sapporo, Japan in 1999, who went on to become a hit in 2000 with their single Good Days. Their most famous song is …
Zone (15) Discography | Discogs
Zone was an all-female pop rock band started in Sapporo, Japan in 1999. Although it initially started as a dance group, they turned to an all-female band. Zone has been categorized in a …
ZONE - Ai Otsuka
2005年9月1日 · The name “ZONE” refers to the group’s goal, starting from the bottom, or “Z” (the last letter in the alphabet), all the way to number one (“ONE”). On 1999/12/18, ZONE’s indies …
Z | Jpop Wiki | Fandom
Z is the first album by ZONE. Kaze no Hajimaru Basho (風のはじまる場所) GOOD DAYS Daibakuhatsu NO.1 (大爆発 NO.1) Sekai no Honno Katasumi Kara (世界のほんの片隅から) …
ZONE - MyAnimeList.net
ZONE (ゾーン) was an all-female pop rock band started in Sapporo, Japan in 1999. Though it initially started as a dance group, they turned to an all female band. Zone has been …