General Season Tags (Zone X-9a): The deer hunting regulations specific to Zone X-9a and any additional hunts are listed at the end of this sheet. To hunt deer during the general season in Zone X-9a, a hunter must possess a Zone X-9a tag. This tag is valid in Zone X-9a, but only during the prescribed general season. Zone X-9a tags may not
California Zone X-9a Unit Profile // GOHUNT. The Hunting Company
Zone X-9a is an ecologically diverse zone, supporting a variety of deer habitats distributed across elevations ranging from 5,000-11,000 feet. The zone comprises winter, summer, and transition ranges; however, during the archery and general hunting seasons most deer are concentrated on the summer range.
Round Valley Deer Study - Deer Zone X9A - California …
The eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada up to approximately 7,000 ft is dominated by the sagebrush vegetation zone. Areas occupied by migratory mule deer include a full complement of predators on both winter and summer ranges consisting of …
Table: Approved 2024 deer seasons for A zone, B1-B6 zones, C1-C4 zones, D3-D19 zones, and X1-X12 zones. This table has been formatted to meet current ADA requirements. (a) B-zone, C-zone and D3-5-zone tags are issued for use in any of a group of zones. For these tags, figures provided for Tag Quota are totals for each group of zones.
X9a X9c D7 X9b Note: Hunt boundary shown is an ap rox im tn. Hu es r esp o nibl f k w g th xac boundary locations as described w ith nS ec o 360 ,T l14 Ca f. C od ef R gs. 05 1 1 Miles 0 / 4 / 2 0 1 7 DEER HUNT ZONE Zone X9a Mon, I y & ader County C A L I F O R N I A D E P A R T M E N T O F F I S H & W I L D L I F E Zone X9a!(Zone X9a Other ...
Deer Hunting in California's X9a - HuntScore
The deer population in Zone X-9a is considered stable to slightly declining, yet considerably ... Create a free account to read the overview!
2021 X9a and A16 Zone Hunt Info - DocsLib
To hunt deer during the general season in Zone X-9a, a hunter must possess a Zone X-9a tag. This tag is valid in Zone X-9a, but only during the prescribed general season. Zone X-9a tags may not be used to hunt deer during the Hunt A-16 archery season, even with archery equipment.
All Hunting in California's X9a - HuntScore
To get email alerts about weather, fire, drought and information from around the web impacting All hunting in X9a in California. Register for an account!.
California Deer Hunting Zone X9a Map - Avenza Maps
Custom Unit Hunting Map with roads, boundary and land ownership information indicating State, BLM, National Forest, Wilderness, Private and other land status information. The map is published using the BLM Surface Management Data and is identical to our printed version.
X9a - California Deer Hunt Zones | hunting Topo Maps
X9a covers an area that is 1948.97 square miles. Of this 3069.42 square miles (157.49 percent) is public lands. The following website contains hunting regulations/seasons and details on purchasing / acquiring hunting /fishing licenses / permits.