Wild Swine (Pig and Hog) | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
From the petite pygmy hog to the immense Eurasian wild pig, swine are fascinating animals. Each species has its own distinctive look, behavior, and geographic region but shares many traits: strength, resourcefulness, and intelligence.
African Veldt | Memphis Zoo
The Red River Hog is native to the forests and swamps of West and Central Africa. These social animals are known for their playful nature and vocalizations. Watch them root around in their habitat, foraging for food and engaging in social interactions. About the Memphis Zoo Red River hog. The Memphis Zoo has 3 red river hogs.
Red River Hog - Denver Zoo
Red river hogs inhabit thickets, forests, savannas and swamps. They are found throughout western and central Africa. They are also known as bush pigs. Red river hogs are fast runners and good swimmers. With their heads lowered to the ground they are able to break through the thicket s like a wedge. They have foot glands that mark their tracks.
Red River Hog – Virginia Zoo - Virginia Zoological Park
Red river hogs are the smallest of six pig species native to Africa. They have reddish-brown hair, pointed ears with tufts of hair at the tips, and a white mane running down their spine. Male red river hogs have two well-developed warts on their snout.
Red River Hog (a.k.a. Bush Pig) - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Red river hogs are good swimmers and fast runners, active mostly at night. Gregarious, they live in groups of six to ten pigs called “sounders” that are made up of a dominant male (boar), a female (sow), and their offspring.
Red River Hog - The Houston Zoo
Red River Hog. Red river hogs live in groups of 20-30 individuals called a stack with one dominant male. They forage for their food and will travel 2-4 miles on average in a single day.
Hog Wild at the Zoo - The Houston Zoo
Jun 30, 2017 · The Houston Zoo loves our newest addition of adorable red river hogs, and is protecting red river hog families in the wild. The Zoo is providing funding for wildlife saving education programs in areas where the hogs live in Africa.
Red River Hog - ZooTampa at Lowry Park
Red river hogs get their name from the reddish color of their hair and the fact that they will often wade in rivers. They are good swimmers and can even swim underwater, catching their breath every 15 seconds. Fun Facts: Not only is a red river hog’s nose great for smelling and feeling their food, it also acts as a plough to root up vegetation
Red River Hog - Peoria Zoo
Red river hogs have excellent hearing and can detect the underground movement of an earthworm. They have scent glands in their feet and lips, leaving scent marks everywhere they go. Blow breath on each other as a form of greeting. When piglets are frightened they will crouch and play possum.
Red River Hog - Southwick's Zoo
Red river hogs are social and often live in family groups ranging from 4-20 pigs. These groups are called sounders and are typically made up of one adult boar (male) and the rest are sows (females) and juveniles. Males are larger than the females. …