Zooloretto | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Build the best zoo and fill those pens. In Zooloretto, each player uses small, large, wild, and exotic animals and their young to try to attract as many visitors as possible to their zoo – but be careful! The zoo must be carefully planned as before you know it, you might have too many animals and no more room for them. That brings minus points!
Zooloretto - Wikipedia
Zooloretto is a board game designed by Michael Schacht, published in 2007 by Abacus Spiele and in English by Rio Grande Games. The premise of the game is that each player is the owner of a zoo, and must collect animals in order to attract visitors to …
Rio Grande Games Zooloretto - amazon.com
Zooloretto is a game of zoo management for 2 to 5 players. Each player manages their own zoo, which includes several animal enclosures and spots for food vendors. During each round, players fill up delivery trucks, choose a truck to fill their zoo, …
- 评论数: 55
桌游评测:Zooloretto(动物园大亨) – 玩桌游 – 中国桌游第一专 …
2010年3月31日 · Zooloretto是一款基于卡片抽取和收集偏好选择的桌游。 这款桌游的取名也非常的有意思,作者的另外一款桌游叫做Coloretto,所以就把一个动物园背景的游戏愣是给搞成了叫Zooloretto。
動物園大亨 Zooloretto-中文版 | 新天鵝堡桌遊官方網店
簡簡單單玩遊戲,輕輕鬆鬆當動物園大亨! 在遊戲中,我們要經營一座動物園,藉由引進大量珍奇稀有的動物吸引遊客的目光,成為一個最受歡迎的景點。 但是在獲得分數的同時,還要妥善規劃園區,否則快速成長的動物很快就沒有地方可以住了。 所以必要的時候砸重金擴建園區,以確保所有珍禽異獸可以得到最妥善的照顧,成為真正動物園大亨! 一個不僅拼頭腦、拼策略,還要拼運氣的經營類拼放家庭遊戲,是2007年德國評審一致認同的年度冠軍遊戲! 內含規則說明書(中 …
Zooloretto - Rio Grande Games
Zooloretto. You manage a zoo and try to create a place where people and animals alike feel happy. To run an attractive zoo you need a variety of animals and culinary stalls, because these are the crowd-pullers that bring you points in the end.
Zooloretto: The Dice Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Build a cool zoo by drafting dice, but don’t get stuck with animals you can’t place. Zooloretto: The Dice Game takes the basic Zooloretto / Coloretto game play – on a turn either add to the offerings on display, or take one set of offerings – and replaces the cards with dice so that you'll never know which animals will pop up for you to take.
Zooloretto 動物園大亨開箱+教學+心得 - 桌遊
2012年4月22日 · 《Zooloretto》動物園大亨可愛的「動物造型」和簡單的策略機智,很適合用來引導剛入 進桌遊界的女性或小孩們學習策略遊戲,而且遊戲時也會有很多爆笑的對話,你怎麻可以
Review: Zooloretto | GEEK Digital Board Games | BoardGameGeek
2011年2月23日 · If you are new to this genre, Zooloretto is a great family game that shares elements of Rummy and Go Fish. Its push your luck mechanic creates a tension that really drives the game. In Zooloretto, each player is the owner of a zoo.
动物园大亨中文版下载|动物园大亨1 (Zooloretto ... - 当游网
动物园大亨1 是一款模拟经营游戏,游戏你拟真了一家动物园的真实面貌,玩家在游戏中将扮演一家刚开始营业的动物员负责人来建造自己喜欢的动物园并且还要考虑经营状况。 这款游戏讲究对动物园建设的美感跟合理的设计对游客的舒适度带来的效果,玩家在游戏中可以根据自己的喜好引进不同的动物并且这些动物状态全都取决于玩家平时如何饲养,玩家可以对动物进行爱抚也可以对它们进行虐待,不过这一切对在游客身上反应出来,玩家需要赚得最大的利润必须是满足游客的 …
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