Best zooming and panning control for WPF - AB4D
ZoomPanel is great when it is showing vector based content. It is very useful for viewing images created from svg or metafiles. The following sample is using SvgViewbox from Ab2d.ReaderSvg library to read myVectorDiagram.svg file. With ZoomPanel it is possible to zoom in the image to see additional details.
什么是AB2D控件ZoomPanel? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年4月24日 · ZoomPanel是一个自定义控件,为某些WPF程序提供了终极的动画缩放和平移功能。 最初,缩放和平移在WPF中看起来像是一项简单的任务,因为您可以使用ScaleTransform缩放任何组件。
ZoomPanel Class - AB4D
By default the content of the ZoomPanel can be freely zoomed in and out and panned to any direction. But it is possible to limit this by ViewboxLimits, ViewboxMinSize and IsViewboxLimited. The ViewboxLimits sets the maximum Viewbox size used by ZoomPanel - …
Samples for ZoomPanel control - the ultimate zoom control for …
The Ab2d.Controls.ZoomPanel is a commercial library. You can start a 60-day trial when it is first used.
ZoomPanel: A Custom WPF Zoom and Pan Control - GitHub
2023年10月24日 · Use <WPFZoomPanel:ZoomPanel> or </WPFZoomPanel:ZoomPanelScrollViewer> for whatever content you want to be zoom/pan-able. Add <WPFZoomPanel:ZoomPanelViewBox> to add an interactive minimap for the ZoomPanel. For more details see Wiki
ZoomPanel - the ultimate zooming and panning control for WPF
Extension for Visual Studio - Use ZoomPanel for any zooming and panning scenario in WPF. It supports ScrollViewer, has MiniMap control and customizable Zoom Controller.
WPFZoomPanel/README.MD at master - GitHub
Use <WPFZoomPanel:ZoomPanel> or </WPFZoomPanel:ZoomPanelScrollViewer> for whatever content you want to be zoom/pan-able. Add <WPFZoomPanel:ZoomPanelViewBox> to add an interactive minimap for the ZoomPanel.
2010年7月21日 · 使用Border控制应用窗口缩放比较困难。我看到过ZoomPanel可以实现你的需求。 http://www.wpf-graphics.com/ZoomPanel.aspx http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpf/thread/b141a9d1-dfbc-4992-969a-3d3672c7e18f
ab4d:ab3d:ab2d--ZoomPanel for wpf - CSDN博客
2022年11月16日 · ZoomPanel is a custom control that provides the ultimate animated zooming and panning capabilities to any WPF application. At first, zooming and panning seems like a simple task in WPF because any element can be scaled with ScaleTransform.
Ab2d.Controls.ZoomPanel 6.1.8514 - NuGet Gallery
ZoomPanel is the ultimate zoom and pan control for WPF applications. Samples project: https://github.com/ab4d/Ab2d.Controls.ZoomPanel.Samples Homepage: https://www.ab4d.com/ZoomPanel.aspx Online reference...