Zorki-11 - Soviet Cameras
2023年3月31日 · The Zorki-11 camera is one of the first Soviet cameras to have a fully automatic mode. Produced at the KMZ plant from 1964 to 1967. Zorki-11 is the first Soviet automatic scale-focus camera.
Zorki - Wikipedia
Zorki (Russian: Зоркий, meaning sharp-sighted) is a series of 35mm rangefinder cameras manufactured in the Soviet Union between 1948 and 1978. The Zorki was a product of the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Factory (KMZ), which also produced the …
Camera review: me and my Zorki 11 - EMULSIVE
2017年5月12日 · The Zorki 11 is more of a curiosity; a camera that one can happily show off to their friends, perhaps use as a nice paperweight, or bludgeon an unsuspecting burglar (its sharp edges were tailor-made for literal slaying).
俄产Zorki(卓尔基)系列旁轴照相机 - 蜂鸟摄影论坛
2004年8月8日 · 1954-1956年间生产了10310台Zorki 2型。 是所有左尔基仿徕卡中最少的。 1955-1960年生产了左尔基 2C型,共生产214,903台。 这是一款极少见的第一款。 自拍与左尔基 2相同。 字体是凹刻的,字型与第二款也略有不同。 这是比较常见的左尔基 2C第二款,ZORKI 2C的字母是打印的,自拍也与第一款不同。 平凡人的路 单反 | 有时候会冒出一个想法:未来的相机会是什么样? 墨恭 生活 | 漫花庄园2 [生活摄影]... 2025-03-25 器材 | 徕卡的M11-V M卡口相机或在 …
徕卡之外——L39卡口旁轴5:苏联篇-Zorki - 知乎专栏
2023年5月16日 · Zorki (佐尔基)是前苏联最知名的品牌,也是苏联第二个仿制 徕卡L卡口 相机的品牌,同时和 FED 也有着密不可分的联系。当二次大战刚结束时,由于在战争中FED的工厂遭到进攻,员工也进行了疏散,因此大规模的恢复生产有一定的困难。
Zorki 11 - Camerapedia | Fandom
Zorki 11 is a 35mm film fully automatic viewfinder camera made by KMZ and poduced between 1964-67 with quantity of 60.745 units. Zorki means Sharp Sight. Zorki 11 belongs to the Zorki Automat series.
Zorki camera USSR, review and manual - USSRs Phototechnics
Zorki (“Зоркий”) is a rangefinder camera for 35 mm film produced by the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ). In this case, I mean the first model of Zorki. The index “1” was not indicated in the title, but for the sake of clarity, one can also say Zorki-1.
Zorki - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年11月23日 · Zorki ( Зоркий, meaning "sharp-sighted") is one of the most widely known Soviet photo brands. It was one of two USSR efforts to produce rangefinder cameras derived from the Leica design.
Zorki-11 camera – Soviet cameras of the USSR
2023年4月4日 · The Zorki-11 is the first Soviet automatic scale camera. The camera was produced at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ) from 1964 to 1968. The production run was 60,745 pieces.
2024年10月1日 · “VERY GOOD CONDITION. ALL SPEEDS ARE WORKING CORRECTLY, RANGEFINDER IS WORKING CORRECTLY (THERE ARE ”... Read more. An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used.