Zorki-2C - Soviet Cameras
2023年3月15日 · Zorki-2C is a Soviet 35mm rangefinder film camera, produced at the KMZ from 1956 to 1960 and is an improved version of Zorki-C. The Zorki-2C camera differed from Zorki-C only in that it had a self-timer.
Zorki C and 2C series - swcornell.com
ZORKI 2C The Zorki 2C has both flash synchronization and a self timer. It also has lug straps on the body, something the Zorki C lacked. 214,903 2Cs were produced. The 2C was made from 1955 to 1960. This camera was made in 1959 and is in virtually new condition.
Zorki-2C camera – Soviet cameras of the USSR
2021年6月4日 · Soviet rangefinder small-format camera Zorki-2C for 35 mm film. The model of the camera with built-in self-timer and synchro device. Produced at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ) from 1956 to 1960.
俄产Zorki(卓尔基)系列旁轴照相机 - 蜂鸟摄影论坛
2004年8月8日 · 1954-1956年间生产了10310台Zorki 2型。 是所有左尔基仿徕卡中最少的。 1955-1960年生产了左尔基 2C型,共生产214,903台。 这是一款极少见的第一款。 自拍与左尔基 2相同。 字体是凹刻的,字型与第二款也略有不同。 这是比较常见的左尔基 2C第二款,ZORKI 2C的字母是打印的,自拍也与第一款不同。 平凡人的路 单反 | 有时候会冒出一个想法:未来的相机会是什么样? 墨恭 生活 | 漫花庄园2 [生活摄影]... 2025-03-25 器材 | 徕卡的M11-V M卡口相机或在 …
Zorki 2-C (2-S) - mike eckman dot com
The Zorki 2-C is a bottom loader like its predecessors, but it also has some added features including strap lugs, flash synch and a self-timer. To accommodate the flash circuitry the top deck height was increased slightly, but the camera is still quite compact and easy to handle.
Zorki camera USSR, review and manual - USSRs Phototechnics
At the time of the discontinuation of production of the first Zorki in 1956, there was already a full range of its improved modifications (-2, -C, -2C) on the shelves, all variants of Zorki-3 and even Zorki-4. FED-2 was also on sale, which looked more than advantageous against the first Zorki.
Zorki 2 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年9月30日 · The Zorki 2-S (C in Cyrillic) was a redesign of the Zorki S that added a self-timer and strap lugs to the body. The Zorki S and 2S are considered less attractive because of the top plate redesign which removed the sleeker look of the Zorki 1 and 2.
5 Frames with the Zorki 2C (S) & Retropan 320 Soft - 35mmc
2022年9月8日 · So that is why and how I use the Zorki rangefinder now let’s look at my 5 frames with the Zorki 2C and Fomapan Retropan Soft film. Life Jackets waiting to be used Fishing boats moored and ready to go.
徕卡之外——L39卡口旁轴5:苏联篇-Zorki - 知乎专栏
2023年5月16日 · Zorki (佐尔基)是前苏联最知名的品牌,也是苏联第二个仿制 徕卡L卡口 相机的品牌,同时和 FED 也有着密不可分的联系。当二次大战刚结束时,由于在战争中FED的工厂遭到进攻,员工也进行了疏散,因此大规模的恢复生产有一定的困难。
The Zorki-2C has both flash synchronization and a self timer. It also has strap lugs on the body, something the Zorki-C lacked. Zorki-2C came both with collapsible and fixed Industar-50 lens.