Zorki 3 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年11月4日 · Zorki 3. This is the first major revision of the basic Zorki body by KMZ. Produced between 1951 and 1956, it preceded the Zorki 2 and was concurrent with the Zorki 1c and 1d …
Zorki-3 - Soviet Cameras
2023年3月16日 · Zorki-3 is a Soviet rangefinder camera produced by the KMZ Plant from 1951 to 1956 and developed on the basis of the first Zorki models taking into account the design of the …
我的前苏联“Leica”товарищ,Zorki-3M胶片相机 - 知乎
Zorki-3相机是现在比较少见的Zorki相机,所有Zorki-3型相机(Zorki-3,Zorki-3M和Zorki-3C)的取景器都配有屈光度调节。 最高快门速度也提升为1/1000秒并且增加了慢速快门机构多 …
我的前苏联“Leica”товарищ,Zorki-3M - 什么值得买
2019年9月4日 · Zorki-3相机是现在比较少见的Zorki相机,所有Z的orki-3型相机(Zorki-3,Zorki-3M和Zorki-3C)的取景器都配有屈光度调节。 最高快门速度也提升为1/1000秒并且增加了慢 …
Zorki - Wikipedia
Introduced in 1951, the Zorki 3 is somewhat similar to the Leica III. It offers a number of improvements over the original Zorki, including a large combined viewfinder with the …
Zorki-3M - Soviet Cameras
2023年3月17日 · Zorki-3M is a Soviet rangefinder camera developed on the basis of the Zorki-3 camera and was produced at KMZ plant from 1954 to 1956. The main difference between the …
Zorki 3 variations - swcornell.com
The Zorki 3 cameras are among the hardest Russian Leica copies to find. That's because between 1951 and 1956 only 87,569 models 3 and 3M were produced. All my Zorki 3s were …
徕卡之外——L39卡口旁轴 [6]:苏联篇-Zorki - 知乎专栏
Zorki 3比徕卡的先进之处在于1.取景器和测距窗口合一(1956年徕卡M3才有)。 2..后背可以拆卸,方便胶卷安装。 相对于前期的机型,前面板增加了慢速快门调节转盘,最高快门速度提高 …
USSRPhoto.com - Russian / Soviet Cameras Wiki Catalog - Zorki 3
The Zorki 3 cameras are among the hardest Russian Leica copies to find. Zorki-3 was the first model to combine the rangefinder and viewfinder in one eyepiece. All Zorki-3 models (Zorki-3, …
Zorki camera USSR, review and manual - USSRs Phototechnics
At the time of the discontinuation of production of the first Zorki in 1956, there was already a full range of its improved modifications (-2, -C, -2C) on the shelves, all variants of Zorki-3 and …