MOV-07D431K Bourns Inc. | Circuit Protection | DigiKey
MOV-07D431K – 430 V 1.2 kA Varistor 1 Circuit Through Hole Disc 7mm from Bourns Inc.. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
07D431K ZOV Resistors - Veswin Electronics
The 07D431K from ZOV manufacturer is a Resistors with Radial Lead Varistor. More details for 07D431K can be seen below. Looking for 07D431K? Welcome to Veswin.com, Our Sales are here to help you. You can get components availability and pricing for 07D431K, view detailed information that including 07D431K manufacturer and datasheets.
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7D431K_HEL (鸿志)_7D431K中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
7D431K由HEL (鸿志)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 7D431K价格参考¥0.0918。 HEL (鸿志) 7D431K参数名称:压敏电压:387V~473V;钳位电压:710V;工作电压:350V;工作电压 (AC):275V;峰值浪涌电流:1.2kA;能量:18.1J;静态电容:100pF@1kHz。
07D431K_COV (德欣)_07D431K中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
07D431K由COV (德欣)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 07D431K价格参考¥0.1527。 COV (德欣) 07D431K参数名称:压敏电压:387V~473V;钳位电压:745V;工作电压:350V;工作电压 (AC):275V;峰值浪涌电流:1.2kA;能量:28J;静态电容:115pF@1kHz。 下载07D431K中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有压敏电阻详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法 …
MOV ZOV 07D431K - Prism Electronics
MOV ZOV 07D431K TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS for Metal Oxide Varistor 1. MAximum Allowable Voltage: 300 AC RMS (V). 2. Varistor Voltage: 431 V. 3. Diameter : 07mm. In MOV 7D series we have following parts available: 7D431K, 7D471K, 7D511K, 7D561K, 7D621K, 7D680K, 7D751K. 275/07, 300/07, 320/07, 350/07, 385/07, 40/07, 460/07 VALUE :-
压敏电阻 ZOV 7D431K 430V 防雷电阻器 VDR突波吸收器 07D/07N
这是压敏电阻 ZOV 7D431K 430V 防雷电阻器 VDR突波吸收器 07D/07N的详细页面。 加工定制:否,品牌:KEISiN/其盛,型号:ZOV7D431K,种类:压敏,性能:通用,材料:合成,制作工艺:普通线绕,外形:圆盘形,允许偏差:±10%,温度系数:PTC,额定功率:1(W),功率特性:中功率,频率特性:中频,产品性质:热销,标称阻值:07D431K,货号:07D431K,应用领域:3C数码,名称2:07N431K,名称3:07K431K,名称1:07D430V。 压敏电阻ZOV7D431K430V防雷电阻 …
07D431K Shenzhen Ruilongyuan Electronics Co.Ltd | Circuit …
Order today, ships today. 07D431K – 430 V 1200 A Varistor 1 Circuit Through Hole Disc 7mm from Shenzhen Ruilongyuan Electronics Co.Ltd. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
原装直插压敏电阻7D431K 430V 精度10% 7D-431K ZOV压敏电阻 …
这是原装直插压敏电阻7D431K 430V 精度10% 7D-431K ZOV压敏电阻厂家的详细页面。 品牌:ytf (电子),型号:7D431K,外形:圆盘形,标称阻值:7D431K,主要下游平台:亚马逊,主要销售地区:东南亚,货号:01150,是否跨境出口专供货源:是。
ZOV-07D431K ZOV Resistors - Jotrin Electronics
The ZOV-07D431K parts manufactured by ZOV are available for purchase at Jotrin Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers.
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07D431K ZOV/UNSEMI Resistors - Jotrin Electronics
Buy 07D431K ZOV/UNSEMI , Learn more about 07D431K Radial Lead Varistor, View the manufacturer, and stock, and datasheet pdf for the 07D431K at Jotrin Electronics.
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