Lizzy | Fundamental Paper Education Wiki | Fandom
Lizzy is a minor character featured in Fundamental Paper Education. She currently attends Paper School as a student. Lizzy has medium-length black hair tied into low twin tails with two white ribbons. She has black horns and a white crown with a small spiral atop her head. She sports a black collared dress, with two white buttons.
Fundamental Paper Education Wiki | Fandom
The first episode of Fundamental Paper Education. Fundamental Paper Education is an animated YouTube webseries created by Kaaatie. It centers around a group of students and teachers in a school made of paper, where the consequences for misbehavior are fatally extreme. Make sure to read the rules before contributing. New to editing wikis?
Zip | Fundamental Paper Education Wiki | Fandom
Zip is a major antagonist featured in Fundamental Paper Education. She is a student who attends Paper School. Zip's hair is two-toned, with the left side being black and the right being white. The longer part of her hair is tied into a low ponytail.
自行拟合基频校正因子与ZPE校正因子的简单方法 - 量子化学 …
2017年10月6日 · 本文简单演示一下怎么自行拟合用于校正谐振近似下得到的基频和ZPE的频率校正因子。 注意,拟合的方法并不唯一,训练集也有很多不同选择,不同的拟合方式得到的频率校正因子可能差异达到0.1的程度,本文给出的是一种最简单易行,而且耗时很低的做法。 本文以获得B3LYP/6-31G*的校正因子作为例子。 1 拟合基频校正因子 首先我们需要准备个训练集。 我们直接用JCTC,6,2872 (2010)中的F38/10数据库,里面包含了15个分子的实验谐振频率(没什么 …
零点能ZPE的三点补充 - 哔哩哔哩
自行拟合基频校正因子与ZPE校正因子的简单方法 - 思想家公社的 …
2017年10月6日 · 在谐振近似下,不管是双原子还是多原子分子,给每个频率乘上校正因子后再计算体系的ZPE,和直接给体系的ZPE乘上校正因子的效果是等同的。
虚频影响ZPE的结果吗? - 量子化学 (Quantum Chemistry) - 计算化 …
2020年2月12日 · 计划使用B3LYP/6-31G (d)结合ZPE校正因子得到ZPE。 可是算出来的结果有6个虚频(原来的计算级别是没有虚频 ...,计算化学公社
Fundamental-paper-education-fanon Wiki | Fandom
This wiki is a space for members of the Fundamental Paper Education fandom to share their OCs and other fanworks. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Abbie | Fundamental Paper Education Wiki | Fandom
Abbie was a character featured in Fundamental Paper Education. One of the students in Paper School and part of the group of good students, but unfortunately he was brutally murdered for sadly failing a grade in Basics in Behavior. Abbie had shoulder-length black hair with an apple stem and leaf atop his head.
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