Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Zr–Nb alloys
2011年12月1日 · The β phase predominantly existed in Zr–(9–24)Nb alloys. The mechanical properties of Zr–Nb alloys, as well as their magnetic susceptibilities, varied depending on the phase composition. Zr–Nb alloys consisting of mainly α′ phase showed high strength, moderate ductility, and a high Young’s modulus, with low magnetic susceptibility.
The characterisation of second phases in the Zr-Nb and Zr-Nb-Sn …
2018年7月1日 · In commercial Zr-Nb and Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe alloys there are several phases that may exist, depending on alloy composition and thermomechanical history. The phases commonly reported in these alloys are α-Zr, β-Zr, β-Nb and ternary Zr-Nb-Fe phases, often designated Zr (Nb,Fe) 2, (Zr,Nb) 3 Fe or (Zr,Nb) 2Fe.
Zr-Nb合金的吸氢性能与相变行为 - 道客巴巴
2016年9月13日 · 根据国内外的研究现状和实际需要,Nb 是氢化锆中的主要添加元素。掌握 Zr-Nb 合金的吸氢性能,可用于指导氢化锆慢化材料的制备,有助于深入认识氢化锆慢化材料的物性特征。为此,本工作对Zr-Nb 合金的吸氢性能及其在吸氢过程中的相变行为进行了研究探索。
Binary phase diagram of Zr-Nb alloy (at.%) [16] - ResearchGate
In this paper, the microstructure and wear resistance of Zr-17Nb alloy treated by high current pulsed electron beam were studied in detail. A phase change occurs after pulse treatments using...
铌锆丝 , 铌锆合金Nb-Zr1和 Nb-Zr2 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
铌锆合金是指在金属铌中加入 金属锆 所组成的合金, 是元素铌和锆组成的 二元合金 ,基本组成为Zr-1%Nb和Zr-2.5Nb%。铌中加入锆后可提高合金的强度而不影响合金的塑性和加工性能,锆还可以改善合金的抗氧化性和抗碱金属的腐蚀性能。
Zr–Nb Alloys and Its Hot Deformation Analysis Approaches
Zr–Nb alloys and Zr-Sn alloys are mostly used in water cooled nuclear reactors. The Zr-Sn alloys were first to put in application as materials for cladding, calandria and pressure tubes in pressurized water reactor (PWR), pressurized boiling water reactor (PBWR) and pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) respectively.
Solubility in Zr-Nb alloys from first-principles - ScienceDirect
2018年2月1日 · Experimental studies of Zr-Nb alloys allow a clear identification of the microstructure which corresponds at low temperature (below ∼ 890 K) to an α -Zr matrix, with a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) crystallographic structure, containing native β -niobium precipitates with a body centered cubic (bcc) crystallography.
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Zr-Nb Alloys for ... - MDPI
2024年11月20日 · The inclusion of zirconium (Zr) and niobium (Nb) in the titanium alloy provides both the necessary durability of implants and maintains their low density and excellent corrosion resistance, low modulus of elasticity, and, in some combinations of elements, superelasticity, which is critical to ensure long-term functionality in the body ...
Zr-Nb合金调幅分解组织的研究-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服务 …
研究结果表明,Zr-0.35Nb,Zr-0.4Nb和Zr-0.45Nb合金在不同温度下保温时,均在保温初期发生了调幅分解,表明调幅分解发生在相变初期;调幅分解温度越高,转变发生越迅速;调幅分解首先发生在晶界处,并逐渐向晶内转变;得到的组织与预测的调幅分解组织吻合较好。 The spinodal decomposition temperature and composition range of zirconium-niobium alloy were firstly calculated through thermodynamic data of bcc phase reported in the literature of Zr-Nb alloy system.
铌锆合金 - 百度百科
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