Intermetallics and phase transformations of the Zr-1.0Sn-0.3Nb …
2008年10月1日 · Intermetallics and phase transformations of the zirconium-based alloy, Zr-1.0Sn-0.3Nb-0.3Fe-0.1Cr, were investigated by conventional X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and dilation measurement. Three types of precipitates, namely, (ZrNb) 2 Fe, Zr (CrFe) 2, and Zr 3 Fe, were detected by XRD.
Irradiation-induced Nb redistribution of ZrNb alloy: An APT study
2019年4月1日 · We have investigated proton irradiation induced Nb redistribution in Zr-xNb alloy (x = 0.4, 0.5, 1.0) by using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) and Atom Probe Tomography (APT). Initially without an irradiation effect, the Zr matrix only contains βNb and native Laves phase native precipitates.
Characterizing heavy ions-irradiated Zr/Nb: Structure and …
2022年7月1日 · XRD experiments were performed to investigate the radiation-induced structural evolution of C-, Si-, and Cu-irradiated Zr/Nb with different layer thicknesses (6 nm, 27 nm, 96 nm).
X-ray diffraction patterns of ZrNb alloys with PEO coatings formed …
In Figure 4, the X-ray diffraction patterns of the ZrNb alloy processed with PEO in the electrolyte containing Ca, P, KOH, and Cu nanoparticles are shown. The XRD pattern of the unprocessed...
Nb-induced lattice changes to enhance corrosion resistance of Al0 ...
3 天之前 · The AlTiZrNbMo high-entropy alloy exhibits superior corrosion resistance due to a wide and stable passivation zone. Larger radii Nb prompts uphill diffusion of Ti/Al atoms to form a stable Al2O3 ...
结果表明,每条曲线的斜率略有不同, 这表明Nb含量会影响ZrNb 试样的弹性模量。 随着Nb 含量的提高,曲线斜率有略微增加, 当Nb 含量为2.5%( 质量分数) 时,应力− 应变曲线的斜率最小, 这说明Nb含量的增加将提高合金的弹性模量, 低Nb 含量的ZrNb试样更容易变形。
Zr-Nb合金调幅分解组织的研究-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服务 …
Subsequently, the microstrueture of different compo- sitions of Zr-Nb alloys was validated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) , scanning electron microscopy(SEM) , transmission electron micros- copy (TEM) etc.
ZrNb (CO) RF Superconducting Thin Film with High Critical …
2023年6月21日 · We extract the Zr concentrations as a function of depth (Figure 4c) in the β-ZrNb part of ZrNb (CO), after excluding the ZrO 2 and NbC signals. The profile reveals an inhomogeneous distribution, with a concentration spike with a small depth of ≈ 10 nm, followed by a rapid decline reaching 10 –30 at.%
Ti 对 Zr-Nb 二元合金 β 结构稳定性和力学性能的影响
利用团簇成分式方法设计了 [Zr-Zr 14] (Zr, Nb) 3 系列二元合金,进而采用Ti替代部分Zr形成三元合金;采用真空铜模吸铸快冷技术制备合金棒材,利用XRD、OM、TEM等对其进行微观组织表征和力学性能测试。
XRD patterns of the Zr-xNb alloy samples subjected to (a) solution ...
Good ductility, low magnetic susceptibility, and tunable Young's modulus are highly desirable properties for materials usage as spinal fixation rods. In this study, the effects of niobium content...
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