Zero-suppressed decision diagram - Wikipedia
We define a Zero-Suppressed Decision Diagram (ZDD) to be any directed acyclic graph such that: 1. A terminal node is either: 2. Each nonterminal node satisfies the following conditions: a. The node is labelled with a positive integer v. This label does not have to be unique. b. The node has an out-degree of 2.
2020年12月28日 · In this paper we introduce an SDD variant, called the Zero-suppressed Sentential Decision Diagram (ZSDD). The key idea of ZSDD is to employ new trimming rules for obtaining a canonical form. As a result, ZSDD subsumes the Zero- suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD) as a strict subset.
nsnmsak/zsdd: Zero-suppressed Sentential Decision Diagrams - GitHub
Sample software of Zero-suppressed Sentential Decision Diagrams (ZSDDs), which compiles a CNF/DNF into a ZSDD. Please see the paper for the details of ZSDDs. -c FILE set input CNF file. -d FILE set input DNF file. -v FILE set input VTREE file (default is a right-linear vtree)
Zero-Suppressed Sentential Decision Diagrams
2016年2月21日 · In this paper we introduce an SDD variant, called the Zero-suppressed Sentential Decision Diagram (ZSDD). The key idea of ZSDD is to employ new trimming rules for obtaining a canonical form. As a result, ZSDD subsumes the Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD) as a strict subset.
Zero-suppressed binary Decision Diagrams (ZDDs) have emerged as an efficient way of solving problems in set theory. This tutorial presents ZDDs and assumes that the reader is familiar with Boolean algebra and Binary Decision Diagrams, without prior knowledge of ZDDs.
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Compiling Graph Substructures into Sentential Decision Diagrams
We propose a top-down compilation algorithmfor ZSDD that represents sets of specific graph substructures, e.g.,matchings and simple paths of a graph.
Zero-suppressed decision diagram - Semantic Scholar
Known as: Zbdd, Zdd, Zero suppressed decision diagram. A zero-suppressed decision diagram (ZSDD or ZDD) is a type of binary decision diagram (BDD) where instead of nodes being introduced when the positive… Semantic Scholar uses AI to extract papers important to this topic. International Journal of High Performance Systems…
Applications of Zero-Suppressed Decision Diagrams
Applications include combinatorial problems, such as graphs, circuits, faults, and data mining. This book consists of four chapters on the applications of ZDDs. The first chapter by Alan Mishchenko introduces the ZDD. It compares ZDDs to BDDs, showing why a more compact representation is usually achieved in a ZDD.
Zero-Suppressed Sentential Decision Diagrams | Request PDF
2016年2月21日 · In this paper we introduce an SDD variant, called the Zero-suppressed Sentential Decision Diagram (ZSDD). The key idea of ZSDD is to employ new trimming rules for obtaining a canonical form. As a...
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