[好雷] 查克史奈德之正義聯盟 ZSJL,夢碎彌賽亞 - 看板 movie - 批 …
2021年3月22日 · 但這次 ZSJL 大方用:阿蝙找阿瓜有冰島女聲 "Vísur Vatnsenda-Rósu" 、路易斯療傷有 Nick Cave "Distant Sky"、小閃一見鍾情有 Rose Betts "Song to The Siren" 、阿瓜喝酒有 Nick Cave "There Is A Kingdom" 、當然還有片尾曲 "Hallelujah"...難道有別於超人阿蝙女超水行四部史詩級的「人神之間 ...
Zack Snyder's Justice League Official Discussion Thread
2021年3月17日 · Consider this the official discussion thread for Zack Snyder's Justice League. Spoilers will be held here. Advance at your own risk. Big improvement from the theatrical release. Fleshes out some...
QUESTION: Was it ever confirmed that Geoff Johns made changes …
2020年11月19日 · Yes, it was confirmed by the set visit reports that came out in June 2016. Yeah the Harley timeline got messed up. Joker's teeth got knocked out because of Robin's death, which were shown to be grilled when Harley was transformed, but her title card shows she has a hand in Robin's murder??? WTF?
【ZSJL】We live in a society where honor is a distant memory(扎 …
2021年3月21日 · 这大概是非常多扎导粉丝都会同意的观点,在zsjl这部电影里,没有“晦涩难懂”的叙事,没有“多余无趣”的宗教隐喻,更没有“令人出戏”的第三方现实因素(议会、军方、媒体……),全部情节都紧紧地围绕着主角团,内核是一个再经典不过也再平庸不过的 ...
ZSJL Base Batsuit (Suit Slot) - Nexus Mods
2023年10月29日 · This adds Zack Snyder´s Justice League Base Batsuit into the game, this is yet another suit that nobody has done yet for some reason so i took it upon myself to make it (like with literally every other suit i´ve made lol) simply place into any DLC folder and enjoy.
Superman (ZSJL) (DCEU) vs Reverse Flash, Savitar & Zoom (CW)
2021年3月31日 · Superman has feats of reaching speed at Mach 1,500 and counting and then speeds greater than Mach 3,000 when he flew his first time. CW Flash is faster but these …
Can ZSJL Flash statue Fox Quicksilver? - Comic Vine
2021年3月26日 · WITHOUT triggering the time-rewind shenanigan, can Zack Snyder Flash statue the Fox Quicksilver? If not, how fast/slow will QS be in his perception? Probably. In a deleted …
Assuming ZSJL hypothetically got its planned sequels way back
2021年10月30日 · I tried watching ZSJL the first time earlier this year by putting myself in the context of basically ignoring the fact JLTC was already a thing, and it was like 2017 again when the previous slate was intended to be in motion
新仙剑奇侠传bug汇总 - 百度贴吧
新仙剑奇侠传简体中文版 bug。 之前发了新仙剑1通关帖子 后续说 会补充新仙剑1的BUG。 以下的BUG可能有点多,都是我个人从游戏开始到结束 玩简体中文版 所遇到的BUG,可能会有人说繁体版有没有BUG,我只能说 我玩繁体版的时候 没遇到过BUG。
关于重铸的任务bug - 技术讨论 - MC百科社群 - MC百科|最大 …
2024年7月5日 · 原精灵宝可梦已停止更新(最新MOD版本为5.1.2,适用的Minecraft版本为1.10.2), 重铸版mod目前版本已更新到1.20.2,版本号9.2.9+(Beta版本),稳定版本为1.16.5的版本号9.1.13,宝可梦种类涵.. 这个模组的任务系统似乎有一个老bug迟迟没有修复,不确定是不是只有我有这个问题,bug内容是这样的。 单机时,任务功能会正常显示,而联机时【目前只试过两个人】房主的任务系统会被其他玩家顶掉【就是说房主没有任务】并且房主是不能接取任务的 …
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