Type 99 tank - Wikipedia
A mid-life upgrade was commenced around 2008, called ZTZ-99 Phase-II to distinguish it from the initial production model. The new iteration featured a new angled turret and revised ERA blocks. [31]
ZTZ-99主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2020年12月,在俄罗斯Gaijin Entertainment发行的网络游戏《战争雷霆》中,ZTZ-99主战坦克一期改进型(游戏内命名:“ZTZ-99 II”)作为中国陆军科技树的新载具加入游戏“炙热之轮”版本,位置处在ZTZ-96A主战坦克正下方,是中国陆军科技树第一輛VII級載具。ZTZ-99主战 ...
ZTZ99-II | War Thunder Wiki
The ZTZ99-II (ZTZ99式主战坦克 二类定型状态, aka 99一期改; industry code WZ123) is the accepted variant of the ZTZ99 in PLAGF service since the early 2000s. The need for a new MBT arose after Project 122, which proved inadequate against potential Soviet a…
小白也能分得清!99?99A?99A2?99G?9910??ZTZ99家族的 …
ZTZ99(2型和3型有什么区别吗?) - 百度贴吧
ZTZ99-II - War Thunder Wiki
The ZhuangJia Tanke ZhuZhan 99 Stage II (ZTZ99式主战坦克 二类定型状态, aka 99一期改; coded WZ123) is the accepted version of the ZTZ99 in PLAGF service since the early 2000s. The plan for a new MBT for the PLAGF arose after the Project 122, which was lacking in firepower against possible Soviet assaults on Mainland China.
ZTZ-99式改进型主战坦克 - 百度百科
ZTZ99式改进型主战坦克,装有一门125毫米高膛压滑膛坦克炮,最大射速为8发/分,自动装弹机装填, [采用人工装弹时,射速1-2发/分],坦克弹药基数为41发, [22发在自动装弹机内,19发放置在战斗室的各弹药箱中],使用钨合金尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹时 [初速为1,780米/秒],可在2000米距离上击穿850毫米的均质装甲,而使用特种合金穿甲弹时,同距离穿甲能力达960毫米以上,其弹芯长径比为30:1.为了进一步强化反坦克作战能力,99式改型主战坦克配备的多功能爆破榴弹为增强装药的高爆型,其 …
ZTZ99-III | War Thunder Wiki
The ZTZ99-III (ZTZ99式主战坦克 III类定型状态; lit. Third Type Certified Design; industrial code WZ123B) is the finalized 2004 design of the WZ123 project, with slight alterations to both the turret and hull (extended rear turret basket and ERA coverage, …
杂谈三期改进99式主战坦克——ZTZ-99A2 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
ZTZ-99A主战坦克身为我国重型地面部队装备的旗舰作品,在国内外拥有着数量庞大的粉丝,楔形的炮塔轮廓、披盖着重型爆反的车体以及极具破坏力的主炮,让人第一眼看上去就饱受审美冲击,“好看就是好用”、“颜值就是战斗力”就连局座张召忠也对99A赞赏有加,如今这个就连军备也要拼颜值的时代,99A到底有哪些不为人知的秘密呢? 庆祝建国70周年阅兵登场的99A. 我们从机动、防护、火力,三个方面来分析。
Is ZTZ-99-II or 99-III an excellent MBT in the current environment?
2024年4月26日 · Yes they're great. Top tier round, atgms and proxy fuse rounds, gen 2 thermals, decent protection and mobility. The reverse speed sucks and they don't move that well at slow speeds compared to the competition, but those are acceptable trade-off …