Design Manual - Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications
2024年12月23日 · It is not a textbook, but rather a document that provides design guidance through references to appropriate national standards and regulations in Iowa. The Design Manual is a direct complement to the SUDAS Standard Specifications.
Excavate and construct embankments, subgrades, and subbases. Submit results of Standard Proctor and in-place density tests on compactions when required. Follow the General Provisions (Requirements) and Covenants. If impractical, or if scheduling does not allow the removal of utilities before excavation, work around the utilities.
Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications
2024年12月23日 · The current version of the SUDAS Standard Specifications is the 2025 Edition. The SUDAS manuals are revised once a year, usually in December. When the SUDAS Board of Directors approves changes to the SUDAS Standard Specifications, those changes can be found on the General Supplemental Specifications page.
Construct sanitary and storm sewer manholes to provide access to sewer systems for maintenance and cleaning purposes. Construct storm sewer intakes for collection of surface water and conveyance to the storm sewer system. Modify existing manholes and intakes as necessitated by other improvements adjacent to the manholes or intakes.
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Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications
SUDAS (pronounced “soo’dahs”) is short for Statewide Urban Design and Specifications. The Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University maintains Iowa’s SUDAS manuals for public improvements. SUDAS staff has created the Iowa Public Works Service Bureau (PWSB).
SUDAS - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
2024年7月23日 · The City of Cedar Rapids adopted SUDAS (Statewide Urban Design and Specifications), effective January 1, 2019. SUDAS and the Cedar Rapids Supplemental Documents will be followed by City staff as well as professional design and construction staff who work on City projects.
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