Zun Niu - Google Scholar
Zun Niu. Peking University. No verified email. GNSS Navigation. Articles Cited by Public access. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; RTK with the assistance of an IMU-based pedestrian navigation algorithm for smartphones. Z Niu, P …
Technical advance: An estrogen receptor-based transactivator XVE ...
We have developed an estrogen receptor-based chemical-inducible system for use in transgenic plants. A chimeric transcription activator, XVE, was assembled by fusion of the DNA-binding domain of the bacterial repressor LexA (X), the acidic transactivating domain of VP16 (V) and the regulatory region of the human estrogen receptor (E; ER).
Technical advance: An estrogen receptor-based transactivator XVE ...
Results of this investigation of estrogen-inducible green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression patterns using an estrogen receptor fused chimeric transcription activator, XVE, in the monocotyledonous model plant rice might provide helpful indications on estradiol treatment conditions to be used for the XVE system in rice and other monocots.
Junyi Li - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Zhenxing Niu (牛振兴) Xidian University 在 xidian.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Zun Niu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Zun Niu received the B.S. degree from the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2016. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with Peking University, Beijing. His current research interests include positioning technology and SLAM. Affiliations: [School of Electronics, Peking University, Beijing, China].
The WUSCHEL gene promotes vegetative‐to‐embryonic …
In a functional screen using a chemical-inducible activation-tagging system, we identified two alleles of Arabidopsis gene PGA6 whose induced overexpression caused high-frequency somatic embryo formation in all tissues and organs tested, without any external plant hormones.
A Continuous Positioning Algorithm Based on Differential …
Real-Time Kinematic positioning technique (RTK) is a differential positioning technology that can utilize pseudo-range measurements and carrier phase measurements to provide positioning results with centimeter-level accuracy in real time.
[PDF] Conditional Posterior Cramér–Rao Lower ... - Semantic Scholar
For a general nonlinear non-Gaussian tracking problem, the new concept of conditional posterior Cramer–Rao lower bound (PCRLB) is introduced as a performance metric for adaptive sensor management.…
Taurus in Chinese astronomy - Wikipedia
According to traditional Chinese uranography, the modern constellation Taurus is located within the western quadrant of the sky, which is symbolized as the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎) (Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ). The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 金牛座 (jīn niú zuò), meaning "the golden bull constellation".
Ultrathin graphdiyne nanosheets confining Cu quantum dots as …
2022年6月1日 · Ultrathin graphdiyne (GDY) nanosheets confining Cu quantum dots were prepared by a facile one-step strategy. Cu@GDY nanocomposite possesses high-density of active catalytic sites with persistent stability. Cu@GDY based biosensor significantly reduces overpotential and improves sensitivity for organophosphorus pesticides.
Protein Enrichment of Sweet Potato Beverage Residues Mixed with …
2018年5月1日 · Investigation of solid-state fermentation induced by Aspergillus niger, Candida utilis and Bacillus subtilis to obtain high-quality protein feed from drumsticks leaf flour showed that fermentation induced significant changes in the nutritional composition of drumstick leaf flour.
Somatic Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana Promoted by
Somatic embryogenesis is a unique pathway for asexual propagation or somatic cloning in plants. The developmental process of somatic embryogenesis shares considerable similarity with that of zygotic embryogenesis, and this is likely due to the conservation in the underpinning cellular and molecular mechanisms between the two processes.
The WUSCHEL gene promotes vegetative-to-embryonic transition …
2002年5月1日 · In a functional screen using a chemical-inducible activation-tagging system, we identified two alleles of Arabidopsis gene PGA6 whose induced overexpression caused high-frequency somatic embryo formation in all tissues and …
growth and development (Zuo etal., 2000a). The use of an inducible promoter will allow us to recover morphologi-cally normal mutant plants by inducer withdrawal, even in the event that the gain-of-function mutation causes devel-opmental defects or lethality. Arabidopsis root explants transformed with
金牛座(拉丁语 Taurus, 天文符号 ♉), 黄道星座 之一,面积797.25平方度,占全天面积的1.933%,在全天88个星座中,面积排行第17。 金牛座中亮于5.5等的恒星有98颗, 最亮星 为 毕宿五 (金牛座α), 视星等 为0.85。 每年11月30日子夜金牛座中心经过上中天。 2024年,意大利天文学家发现,在距离地球450光年的金牛座的年轻类日恒星 金牛座HL 的内盘中,含水量至少是地球所有海水的3倍。 [14] 金牛座东接 白羊座 和 鲸鱼座,西靠 双子座 和猎户座,南临 波江 …
A sensor selection approach for target tracking in sensor networks …
2008年5月12日 · Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides similar estimation performance to the algorithm where all sensors transmit with fixed and small sampling intervals, and adaptive sampling with sensor selection provides significant savings on the number of sensors selected in the entire tracking period as compared to fixed target sampl...
Silently Cultivating: Taurus-金牛座 (jīn niú zuò)
2023年11月27日 · 金牛座 (jīn niú zuò) Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is an earth sign symbolized by the Bull. Governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Taureans are known for their steadfast and practical nature.
金牛座今日运势 - 星座屋
可以尝试一些冥想或瑜伽等放松身心的活动,帮助自己平复情绪,恢复精力。 同时,也要学会调整自己的心态,不要过于纠结过去或担忧未来,专注于当下的每一刻。 生活方面,适合安排一些轻松愉快的节目,如看电影、听音乐或进行户外散步等。 这些活动能够让你暂时放下烦恼,享受生活的美好。 晚上,不妨早点回家休息,为明天的工作和生活养精蓄锐。 爱情运势 单身的你,可能因为过去的伤痛而封闭自己,对他人保持一定的距离。 试着打开心扉,去接受那些愿意靠近你的 …
Novel strategy to improve the colonizing ability of Irpex lacteus in ...
2019年12月19日 · The finding indicates that ensiling prior to fermentation with Irpex lacteus is an effective method to control spoilage microbes and to enhance the rumen and enzymatic digestibility of wheat straw. International journal of environmental research…
Chemical-regulated, site-specific DNA excision in transgenic plants ...
2001年2月1日 · The chemical-inducible, site-specific DNA excision system in transgenic Arabidopsis plants mediated by the Cre/loxP DNA recombination system provides a highly reliable method to generate marker-free transgenic plants after transformation through either organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis.