Home | Ya Zuo
Hello, and welcome! My name is Ya Zuo and I’m a historian. I teach at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I go by Ya or Leah, and my Chinese-speaking friends call me Zuo-Ya (one …
Ya Zuo – Department of History, UC Santa Barbara
At UCSB, three China specialists, Anthony Barbieri (ancient), Ya Zuo (middle period), and Xiaowei Zheng (late imperial and modern) work together to cover the long history of China. We …
Teaching | Ya Zuo
Below is a collection of sample syllabi I have taught at UCSB and Bowdoin College. Please feel free to email me to ask for a current and complete syllabus if you are interested in any of my …
Research - Ya Zuo
Three Streams: Confucian Reflections on Learning and the Moral Heart-Mind in China, Korea, and Japan China and Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies –.
Ya Zuo | Stanford Humanities Center - Think of it This Way
Ya Zuo is an associate professor of History at University of California, Santa Barbara. She is a cultural historian of middle and late imperial China.
UCSBPlat . Ya Zuo
Professor Zuo is a really nice professor. The class is graded on section attendance and participation, Weekly quizzes, discussion posts, a midterm, and a final. Weekly quizzes are …
Ya Zuo at University of California Santa Barbara - Rate My Professors
Ya Zuo is a professor in the History department at University of California Santa Barbara - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Ya Zuo | University of California, Santa Barbara - Academia.edu
Associate Professor of History at UCSB. Princeton PhD. Currently interested in the history of emotions and working on a book on the cultural history of tears. Harvard Journal of Asiatic …
Faculty – Department of History, UC Santa Barbara
Zuo, Ya Associate Professor and Vice Chair. Office: HSSB 4227 Office Hours: Tue 4-6PM winter 25 Email: [email protected]. Faculty Lecturers Affiliated Faculty Emeriti Visiting Scholars …
About Me | Ya Zuo
After leaving Beijing I arrived at Princeton University, New Jersey, where I earned a Ph.D. in East Asian Studies and mused about Chinese history while keeping company with Princeton’s …
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