Zoot suit - Wikipedia
A zoot suit (occasionally spelled zuit suit [1]) is a men's suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. It is most notable for its use as a cultural symbol among the Hepcat and Pachuco subcultures. Originating among African Americans it would later become popular …
The Zoot Suit: An American Fashion Icon That Shaped History
2024年11月26日 · The zoot suit stands as one of the most iconic and controversial symbols in American fashion history. Its exaggerated design, vibrant colors, and unique style not only redefined men’s fashion ...
How The ‘Zoot Suit’ Defined the Look of Fashion and Jazz
2018年5月21日 · The zoot suit originated in Harlem, New York during the Great Depression. During this time, menswear manufacturers needed to develop a fashionable line of clothing that would allow their male clientele to make an impression while owning a durable and inexpensive working uniform.
Zoot Suit - Fashion, Costume, and Culture ... - Fashion Encyclopedia
The zoot suit was an exaggerated version of a typical double-breasted (two rows of buttons down the front) business suit of the 1940s, altered to make it both more casual and more hip.
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导师风采-信息与通信工程学院 - xt.zut.edu.cn
导师风采:宁冰. 姓 名:宁冰 性 别:女 职 称:副教授 学 位:博士 团队:多维度一体化智能通信科研团队邮箱:[email protected]个人简介:宁冰,中原工学院青年教师骨干,IEEE会员,长期从事关于面向未来无线电通信资源分配理论以及新兴绿色智能通信优化技术方面的研究,对 …
2024-12-04 软件学院第二十届软件设计大赛进入决赛名单公示; 2024-10-12 关于我院学生参加“第十六届蓝桥杯大赛软件赛”的报名通知; 2024-06-28 2023年度软件学院、鲲鹏书院年度考核 师德考核结果公示; 2023-03-21 2022年度软件学院教职工 年度考核、师德考核结果公示; 2022-03-04 软件学院关于2021年师德考核和 ...
凝心聚力,共绘发展蓝图--集成电路学院积极组织师生观看两会开幕式 2025-03-05 2025年3月4日、5日,中国人民政治协商会议第十四届全国委员会第三次会议和中华人民共和国第十四届全国人民代表大会第三次会议先后在北京隆重开幕。
科研团队-物理与光电工程学院 - wdxy.zut.edu.cn
姓 名:李利平邮 箱:[email protected] 研究方向:量子光学、光纤光学 个人简介:现任大学物理教学部主任,副教授,硕士生导师。 从事周期驱动系统中原子与光场相互作用及其物理机制的研究。
【学雷锋纪念日】我院开展学雷锋校园志愿服务系列活动 2025年03月07日