Amanda Foley - Product Manager - Zygo | LinkedIn
Dynamic and excellence-driven professional with a focus on customer experience. Proven record as a problem solver, using relationships and new ideas to maximize project output.
Zygosepescalum QF U'ilani (Z. Jumpin Jack x Zsc. QF Amanda) - OrchidWeb
A Zygopetalum hybrid that has flowers with a sweeter scent in the AM fading to a spice scent in the afternoon. Grows best cool to intermediate in moist conditions at the roots. Do not let the …
Zsc. QF Amanda (Zsc. Zesty Kaila x Z. Jumpin Jack) - OrchidWeb
This interesting multi-genera hybrid has a nice compact growth habit with 2.5" to 3" flowers of heavy substance, petals and sepals colored in chocolate brown with a green edge and green …
Zygo help! : r/orchids - Reddit
2024年5月3日 · Zygo help! Calling all zygo experts! This is my zygo QF Amanda. I've had it for a year now and these three new growths have started branching off to the side. I'm pretty sure it …
Orchid Hybrid: Zygosepescalum QF Amanda
Zygosepescalum QF Amanda is an orchid hybrid originated by Quintal in 2016. It is a cross of Zsc. Zesty Kaila x Z. Jumpin Jack.
Zygosepescalum QF Amanda - seattleorchid.com
Beautiful blooms and wonderful fragrance of clove early in the morning!
Zygosepescalum QF Amanda in Spike/bud. Zygosepescalum Live …
Zygosepescalum QF Amanda (In spike/bud) (Zygosepescalum Zesty Kaila × Zygopetalum Jumpin Jack) Blooming size plant growing on a 4 net pot with double spikes blooming now! This …
Zygosepescalum QF Amanda: How Much Water & Light Does
Learn exactly what Zygosepescalum QF Amanda needs to thrive, get reminders when it’s time to water, and join the growing community on the Greg App.
Zsc. QF Amanda - Orchids
3 plants of Zsc. QF Amanda cultivated by all members. See All-Member Plants.
Zygo Amanda with new shoot or spike? - Orchid Board - Most …
2023年6月8日 · I purchased a zygo a few months ago on the bargain table from a local nursery. It was \\\ (50% off) because it was past it's bloom and I guess they