Zylexis® Gatos | Zoetis MX
Zylexis® es un inmunoestimulante no específico para uso en animales, como un auxiliar en la prevención (profilaxis/ metafilaxis) y el tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas, así como …
Zylexis is a product from Zoetis designed to enhance the immune response in horses.
Zylexis® is a non-specific immunostimulant for use in animals, as an aid in the prevention (prophylaxis / metaphylaxis) and the treatment of infectious diseases, as well as those caused …
Efficacy of a Parapoxvirus ovis-based immunomodulator against …
2014年10月10日 · The efficacy of Zylexis®, an immunomodulator in horses based on inactivated Parapoxvirus ovis (iPPVO), was assessed using an equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) …
ZYLEXIS | Salud Animal Mexicana
Estimula los mecanismos inmunes no específicos (sistema inmune innato) como un auxiliar en la prevención (profilaxis/metafilaxis) y el tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas causadas …
Tierarzneimittel (Schweiz): Zylexis ad us. vet., Lyophilisat und ... - UZH
Immunmodulator zur Unterstützung bei der Vorbeugung und Behandlung von infektiösen und/oder stressinduzierten Erkrankungen, durch Stimulierung der Proliferation von …
ZYLEXİS - Vetilac.com
Zylexis kedi, köpek, at, büyükbaş hayvanlar ve domuzlarda spesifik olmayan bağışıklık sistemini uyararak enfeksiyon ve/veya stres kaynaklı hastalıkların önlenmesine yardımcı olur.
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Zylexis Authorised
Withdrawal period by route of administration: Subcutaneous use: • Dog • Cat Intramuscular use: - Milk. 0 day - Meat and offal. 0 day • Cattle - Milk. 0 day
Zylexis Nedir? Zylexis Nasıl Kullanılır? Nerede Satılır? - PetMix
2022年12月16日 · Kedi, köpek, at ve büyükbaş hayvanlarda bağışıklık sistemlerini uyararak POX kaynaklı rahatsızlıkların önlenmesinde kullanılır. Parapox virüslerin spiral bir kaplamaya sahip …
Zur Unterstützung bei der Vorbeugung und Behandlung von infektiösen und/oder stressinduzierten Erkrankungen bei Hund, Katze, Pferd, Rind und Schwein durch Stimulierung …
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