Microplate Sealer, Automated (a4S) | Azenta Life Sciences
Automated Roll Heat Sealer (formerly a4S) The perfect solution for automated heat sealing of microplates, PCR plates, assay plates and storage plates used in medium to high-throughput or full automation applications. The command set gives the standard commands to run the a4S remotely, so the sealer can be used in a robotic platform.
Automated Roll Heat Sealer (formerly a4S) - Thomas Scientific
The perfect solution for automated heat sealing of microplates, PCR plates, assay plates and storage plates used in medium to high-throughput or full automation applications.
a4S Automatic Heat Sealer | SiLA Rapid Integration
Our new a4S Automatic Heat Sealer provides a number of breakthrough advantages: – First fully electronic heat sealer, no need for pressurized air supply. – SiLA compatible drivers, plug-and-play robotic integration possible. – Unrivalled sealing performance and consistency. – Unrivalled selection of sealing materials by 4titude.
Azenta 全自动封板机(以前称为 a4S)(货号:4ti-0665)
使用Clear Heat Seal (4ti-0540) 和 Clear Weld Heat Seal (4ti-0573,专为水力循环仪设计)可获得可靠的 qPCR 结果并显着节省试剂 细胞分析和细胞培养:提高细胞活力和分析性能
A4S全自动微孔板热封膜机/封板机_报价/价格/性能参数/图, 英国 …
2025年3月3日 · Automatic Heat Sealer A4S. 货号:4ti-0665. A4S是一款操作简单、性能可靠的全自动微孔板封膜机/封板机,适用于PCR板、深孔板、储存板、酶标板 等,温度范围广,为全自动化封板提供了完美的解决方案。 A4S自带内部空气压缩机,操作无需连接外部空气压缩机,可在实验室中独立使用或者可以连接机器人建立集成平台;A4S中快速加热元件使温度迅速提升,减少等待时间;操作间隙,A4S还具有待机功能以便减少能源的损耗。 A4S可兼容所有SBS、ANSI …
Azenta 4titude A4s自动卷筒热封膜机-普迈精医科技(北京)有限 …
自动滚动热封机与各种 SBS 足迹板兼容,包括从 96 孔到 1536 孔的所有 PCR 板格式、测定板、深孔存储板和微孔板。 只需对仪器进行最少的调整,即可适应从 3 毫米到 60 毫米的不同板高度。 印版以纵向格式呈现,并且穿梭上的印版位置便于机器人集成。 宽度在 75-85mm 之间的卷筒可以装载在两个卷筒位置中的任一个位置,具体取决于卷筒长度和可用空间,使整个仪器能够安装在大多数液体处理机器人的龙门架下。 应用密封件的宽度和长度设置为精确覆盖 SBS 足迹板,而 …
User Manual: Microplate Sealer, Automated (a4S) - Azenta
Read this user manual before using Azenta's Automated Roll Heat Sealer (a4S) in your lab to make the best of your microplate sealer!
Automated Roll Heat Sealer
The optimized sealing performance of the a4S heat sealer prevents reagent volume loss by evaporation; Up to a fivefold reduction in the costs of sealing can be achieved when heat sealing with the a4S compared to using caps or adhesive seals
4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer - ALT - American Laboratory …
The 4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer offers no air supply requirement, enabling the flexibility to be used on standard lab benches as a stand-alone unit, or integrated within a robotic set up. The unit features a rapid heating element for quick start-up, and the stand-by function saves energy when the unit is not in use.
Azenta 4ti-0665 a4S Automatic Roll Heat Sealer, 4titude, 4t
The sealers™ rapid heating element enables a fast start-up, and the stand-by function saves energy when the unit is not in use. The a4S sealer is compatible with a wide range of SBS footprint plates, including all PCR plate formats from 96 well to 1536 well, assay plates, deep well storage plates and microplates.