PTT & APTT - Differences? - Nursing Student Assistance
2004年10月2日 · For the tests PTT and APTT, it does say they are the same, however it shows different normal lab values for APTT and PTT (not to be confused with PT). I guess I'm trying to figure out that since PTT and APTT are the same test, why are the normal lab values different, and what would any (if any) differences there are?????
Heparin Drips And Lab Draws - General Nursing Support
2019年1月16日 · This stems directly from lab; not nursing. It's nice that the pharmacists in this particular scenario agree it isn't a necessary part of the process of adjusting the heparin gtt - - but what does lab say about the process of getting the sample they will use?
Heparin Drips: Help Me Understand PT's, PTT's, and INR's
2005年3月30日 · aPTT: activated partial thromboplastin time These test for the same functions but the aPTT is a more sensitive version of the PTT that is used to monitor heparin therapy. The range of therapeutic values for this lab test can vary from place to place...we just switched reagents used for the test and as a result all of our "normal" values changed.
Can someone explain PTT, aPTT, and INR? - allnurses
2006年1月16日 · PT / PTT are laboratory tests that measure the clotting time (how long it takes blood to clot.) PT / PTT are blood tests and INR is a ratio calculated from the PT. [video=youtube_share;v20pO4vWpVc]
Lab value confusion - Nursing Student Assistance - allnurses
2009年10月24日 · I am having a difficult time understanding the lab values for heparin and coumadin. OK so we check the APTT for heparin and PT/INR for coumadin. But what in the...
Heparin drip disaster - General Nursing Support - allnurses
2023年4月23日 · Lab rejects it. They rejected it because they said I mislabeled the tube. I labeled the tube with the routine APTT lab that was ordered but I also put in a STAT order so lab would process it fast (they are ridiculously slow and this was an important lab) I put the routine lab on the tube and just put the STAT label in the bag.
Weird ways to remember PT and PTT - Nursing Student Assistance …
2014年3月7日 · Weird Ways to Remember Lab Values Hey guys, I hope you find these helpful. These are some weird ways to help you memorize some important lab values. The keyword is weird. Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) PTT measures how long the blood takes to clot (increased #=increase bleeding time) In P TT the TT looks like a H --so we use P TT as our …
Heparin | Nursing Considerations, Patient Teachings and More
2023年4月7日 · Infusion rates and boluses are calculated following facility-specific nonograms or protocols to titrate heparin drips based on coagulation lab results. Facility-specific nonograms (protocols) vary according to: coagulation test used: activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT) or anti-factor Xa (anti-Xa) and
What is your policy/procedure for drawing blood for PTT from …
2004年2月6日 · off the top of my head: IF heparin is infusing through the central line, the line that doesn't infuse heparin should be used but probably only after drawing off at least 20ccs of blood before the PTT is collected. Even then the result may not be accurate. The most accurate is a regular stick for PTT. We used to do PT/PTT on central line patients with heparin used for line …
Heparin Drips - General Nursing Support - allnurses
2021年12月25日 · Ive always wondered why so many nurses think that it is necessary to pause a heparin drip for 10-15min before drawing a pTT. Ive talked to multiple doctors, pha...