Are Apple Cores Poisonous? | Science Questions - The Naked …
2010年9月26日 · All in all, you're safe eating the occasional apple core. I've done it for years. Just don't try eating a bowl of freshly crushed apple pips. Diana - If a seed weighs 0.7 grams, then …
Are apple cores poisonous? | Podcasts | Naked Scientists
2010年9月27日 · All in all, you're safe eating the occasional apple core. I've done it for years. Just don't try eating a bowl of freshly crushed apple pips. Diana - If a seed weighs 0.7 grams, then …
Does The Moon Have A Molten Core - The Naked Scientists
2011年9月29日 · Yes, the moon does have a molten core because of gravity. It is not centered in the middle as some might think. It is a bit off centered due to the gravitational forces the earth …
Is this a petrified apple? | Naked Science Forum
2016年8月26日 · Is drinking dilute apple vinegar good for you? Started by James Wilde Board Physiology & Medicine. Replies: 1 Views: 5098 28/04/2008 08:53:29 by James_Wilde: How …
Telling the future with apples | Interviews - The Naked Scientists
2020年12月22日 · Olga - In Czechia we have a lot of traditional activities that often aim at predicting what will happen in the year ahead. For example, you take an apple and cut it in half …
Why a feather and an apple fall down at the same rate inside …
2015年1月10日 · apple and feather experiment , feather and ball bearing experiment, etc.. all experiments affirmed/confirmed that all stated subjects fall down at the same rate, therefore …
Where is gravity the strongest? | Science Questions - The Naked …
2011年3月27日 · But even though the math itself is quite tricky, it's fairly easy to see roughly what the answer must look like because if you imagine that you burrow down into the Earth, you've …
What is "A Pocket Full Of Acorns" - The Naked Scientists
2007年7月10日 · Ever drove along a road and observed a tree full of apples in the middle of nowhere. Chances are someone like you threw an apple core from a car window into the soil …
What is the treatment for molluscum contagiosum?
2008年2月9日 · Warning: If you have your derm use the blistering agent make sure they only use a tiny amount on the center core of the MC or your surrounding skin will blister too. I coat the …
What is the God Particle and Why Should I Care?
2012年1月10日 · An apple falls to Earth because gravity, a force centrally directed toward the Earth’s core, acts on mass, and on mass alone. We all owe a great debt to mass. In …