Is there a general rule for which types of nouns end in -archy vs.
Words in -archy are abstract nouns for types of government, leadership, or social influence or organization. They correspond to nouns in -arch for a person or people who rule or command in that way.
Form of government (-archy/-cracy) where the strongest rules
2014年7月2日 · I'm doing some research for a story and I'm trying to find the correct word for a form of government where the best fighter or the strongest person leads the rest. The usual words for forms of government are derived from Greek words suffixed with -archy (ἄρχω, árkhō, "to rule") or -cracy (κρατέω, krateo, "to have power over"), as in:
greek - Opposite of '-cracy/-archy'? - English Language & Usage …
2018年9月7日 · Something + -cracy / -archy (“strength, power”) produces a word meaning ‘rule by those who are/have/were whatever the something is’. For example, ‘plutocracy’ is pluto- (“wealth”) + -cracy and means ‘rule by the wealthy’, whilst ‘ptochocracy’ is ptocho- (“poverty”) + -cracy and means ‘rule by the poor’. However, say one wanted to make some sort of point by ...
Etymology and pronunciation of arch-, archi-
Thanks! This does a good job of explaining why arch- has an English pronunciation while archi- is Latinate. The explanation for archangel is a little fuzzy, and I don't entirely believe either entry, but I think it's reasonable to conclude that archangel was (for either etymological or aesthetic reasons) borrowed more directly from French/Latin than …
“Government by [two/three/many persons]” is to “[diarchy/triarchy ...
Majority government, as other answers have pointed, is the usual phrasing. If you're necessarily looking for a single word, Arithmocracy refers to government by the simple majority. Looking it up, several online dictionaries agree with the definition.
single word requests - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2018年2月24日 · Is there a word for describing a period of time that feels much longer than it actually is? To fill in the blanks below for example Only few days have passed but it feels like months. How ___ ....
"Lately" and "recently" in Present Perfect - English Language
2017年4月20日 · If I use Present Perfect Progressive and Present Perfect with an expression of unfinished time, it implies that the action is continuing. But what about recently and lately — when used with P...
Capital 'I' and lowercase 'L' [closed] - English Language & Usage …
I was wondering why these two letters (capital 'I' and lowercase 'L') look the same in some fonts? Is there any historical reason?
Usage of "a" and "the" in titles [closed] - English Language
2013年2月25日 · The part about capitalization is a clear duplicate of many, many questions on this site, some of which are linked to automatically on the right-hand side of this very page. I have removed that bit from the question. The canonical question "Which words in a title should be capitalized?" is among the first 10 questions ever asked on this site, and among the all-time top 20 in the FAQ tab. In the ...
What is the meaning of "six ways from Sunday"?
2013年3月10日 · This is a line from the book Test Driven Development by Kent Beck: Fortunately, we are well rested and relaxed and unlikely to make mistakes, which is why we will go in teeny-tiny steps, verif...