Used Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 4MATIC for Sale Nationwide
Save $6,828 on a Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 4MATIC near you. Search over 900 listings to find the best local deals. We analyze millions of used cars daily.
The CLS Coupe | Mercedes-Benz USA
The CLS 450 4MATIC sends torque to the wheels that can use it best. Light, efficient 4MATIC® adds all-wheel driving confidence on slippery roads, heightens fun in dry corners, and even quickens takeoffs.
Used Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 for Sale Near Me - Autotrader
Search from 264 Used Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 cars for sale, including a 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLS 450, a 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 4MATIC, and a 2020 Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 ranging in price from $24,995 to $83,000.
메르세데스 벤츠 쿠페형 세단 CLS 450 4Matic 차량리뷰[CLS 450 4Matic …
2023年2月24日 · CLS 450 4Maitc 모델은 3000cc의 가솔린 모델로 48v ISG 모터가 결합된 직렬6기통 싱글터보로 신형모터가 장착되있는 마일드 하이브리드 모델입니다. 최고출력 367마력 과 최대토크 51토크라는 엄청난 엔진성능을 보유하고 있으며, 언제어디서나 힘있는 주행을 해볼 수 ...
2023 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class CLS 450 4MATIC® - Edmunds
Detailed specs and features for the 2023 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class CLS 450 4MATIC® including dimensions, horsepower, engine, capacity, fuel economy, transmission, engine type, cylinders,...
2022 CLS450 4Matic 開箱(文長圖多) - Mobile01
2022年6月27日 · 動力方面這台車配備了M256直六引擎與CLS53相同但動力調低,但仍然擁有367匹馬力加上14匹馬力的馬達提供輔助,零百加速4.8秒運轉起來非常的有力,加速會有車頭翹起來的感覺。 而時速超過150km之後再加速也還有貼背感,C300大概過120km之後就沒什麼力了。 此外我覺得這顆引擎非常的平順好像與目前S class搭載的是同一具引擎(和C300的四缸比較)。 而且怠速熄火的部分也做到讓駕駛和乘客幾乎感受不出來,雖然我還是習慣一上車就將這個功 …
【图】奔驰CLS 2018款 CLS 450 4MATIC报价_图片_奔驰_汽车之家
汽车之家奔驰cls 2018款 cls 450 4matic车型频道,提供奔驰汽车奔驰cls2018款 cls 450 4matic最新报价,图片,参数配置信息及保养信息,最新汽车信息尽在汽车之家 ...
2020 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
Both the CLS450 and CLS450 4Matic come with a turbocharged 3.0-liter inline-six paired with a 48-volt hybrid-assist system called EQ Boost. The setup provides output of 362 horsepower and 369...
2022 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class Review & Ratings - Edmunds
We tested the CLS 450 4Matic, which is now the only CLS variant available, and recorded a 0-60 mph time of 4.6 seconds, or just 0.3 second slower than the discontinued AMG CLS 53 we tested...
【新車試駕】四門 Coupe 始祖!Mercedes-Benz CLS 450 4MATIC…
今次試駕的 CLS 450 4MATIC+ 屬於第三代「C257」版本,最特別之處當然是由上代的「V6」引掣改為了今代「直 6」機器。 雖然,V6 引掣體積較短、設計更具彈性,但近年廠方因積極發展「48V Mild hybrid」的關係,令「直 6」引掣的體積也成功縮減,加上摩打輔助令動力輸出表現無縫平穩,同時減低了油耗以及廢氣排放,相信是廠方轉用「直 6」引掣的最大誘因!...