The Comprehensive DIY Compound Bow String/Cable Making Guide
2016年1月16日 · I followed your The Comprehensive DIY Compound Bow String/Cable Making Guide to build my string jig, on which I build my strings. I do not sell my strings, they are just for my use. When customers want strings I order from one of four manufactures depending on what they want. String Building Formula
Best aftermarket bow strings - Archery Talk Forum
2021年3月2日 · A new set of Gas strings came with a bow I bought on here and I put them on and shot them out really quickly. Then I traded for another bow and it came with a new set of Winners Choice, not a fan. I shoot the factory Live Wire strings on my PSEs for a while and replace them with Threadz after they go bad.
Bow strings for compound bows? - Archery Talk Forum
2024年1月13日 · I buy a new bow (or 3) every year and immediately put a set of custom strings on it. 2 reasons: 1) I don’t like dealing with constant string stretch and 2) I like to have a second set of strings in my bow case in case something happens when I’m out of town on a hunting trip.
The Comprehensive DIY Compound Bow String/Cable Making Guide
2013年8月6日 · Actually, I save a lot of money on string wax because I don't really care that much about making my strings last all that long. In the fall I build a set for winter shooting and in the spring I build another set for summer shooting. One day at the range, like a moron, I dry fired my bow in front of a good friend and wrecked a string.
The Comprehensive DIY Compound Bow String/Cable Making Guide
2008年2月7日 · I tie the ends together (I only make 1 colour strings) in a square knot & mark the center of the string where it hits the post both ends with a white out pen. Slacken off the tension & move the strings along say 12" & install a Beiter / Bohning center serving jig ( the item like a big U ) & do the end serving , move the string back to there ...
Best bow strings - Archery Talk Forum
2022年12月1日 · My bow is a rather rare bird. 2002 Hoyt UltraTec XT3000 with the American Flag pattern (first year available) and the Command Cam+ dual cam system (last year available). I have her pretty well tricked out but when I was pricing new strings and buss cables, my custom design was pricey. 60X was less than Winner's Choice but not by much.
The difference in Bowstring materials from 60X Custom Strings
2015年1月13日 · Other bow string materials include 652 (fast flight) and B55 (Dacron). These are both still widely used on older compound bows, crossbows and traditional bows. Dacron string works well on older tear drop style compound bows and crossbows. It is also the best bow string material to be used on wooden traditional bows with non-reinforced limb tips.
BCY-X vs. 452X strings for compound bows, is one better...
2018年11月4日 · 5. Bow poundage has dropped and the strings have way more twists in them than should to keep poundage up 6. Most unforeseen issue is seeing bulges develop under servings. Caution change strings IMMEDIATELY as the string is hiding a string separation under the serving and may result in a dry fire. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Making bow strings? - Archery Talk Forum
2022年11月8日 · I make my own threads, both traditional and compound. A great source for learning compound thread is in the D.I.Y. forum titled “The Comprehensive D.I.Y. Compound Bow String/Cable Making Guide”. Also, Butch Baker has some excellent videos on YouTube.
Changing strings and cables myself for the first time.
2023年3月20日 · I found two videos on how to change cables and strings on compound bows by doing a search. Just type in your web browser "How To Change Cable On A Compound Bow" and you will find them. I hope this helps. It's not a difficult job. I worked for an archery shop years ago and did it hundreds of times. The secret has already been given to you.