Professor David Tong, Theoretical Physicist. - University of …
Professor David Tong. Professor of Theoretical Physics Fellow of Trinity College High Energy Particle Physics Group Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. University of Cambridge Email d.tong at damtp dot cam dot ac dot uk Office: +44 (0)1223 337874 DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA
David Tong: Lectures on Theoretical Physics - University of …
David Tong: Lectures on Theoretical Physics Classical Mechanics. Dynamics and Relativity. An introduction to Newtonian Mechanics and Special Relativity, aimed at first year undergraduates. Classical Dynamics.
David Tong: Lectures on Quantum Field Theory - University of …
David Tong: Lectures on Quantum Field Theory. These lecture notes are based on an introductory course on quantum field theory, aimed at Part III (i.e. masters level) students. The full set of lecture notes can be downloaded here, together with videos of the course when it was repeated at the Perimeter Institute.
David Tong: Lectures on String Theory - University of Cambridge
David Tong: Lectures on String Theory. These lecture notes provide a detailed introduction to the bosonic string and conformal field theory, aimed at "Part III" (i.e. masters level) students. The full set of lectures notes can be downloaded here and weigh in at around 210 pages. Individual sections can be downloaded below. PDF Content . 0.
David Tong: Lectures on Quantum Mechanics - University of …
David Tong: Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. This is an introductory course on quantum mechanics. The lecture notes are around 130 pages. Please do email me if you find any typos or mistakes. PDF HTML Content . 1. Introduction: PDF The …
David Tong: Lectures on Statistical Physics - University of Cambridge
David Tong: Lectures on Statistical Physics. This is an introductory course on Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics given to final year undergraduates. They were last updated in May 2012. Full lecture notes come in around 190 pages. Individual chapters and problem sets can also be found below. PDF HTML Español
Professor David Tong: A Short Bio
Professor David Tong I'm a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge. Over the years, I've worked on many different aspects of physics, including quantum field theory, general relativity, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.
David Tong: Lectures on General Relativity - University of Cambridge
David Tong: Lectures on General Relativity This is a course on general relativity, given to Part III (i.e. masters level) students. It covers advanced material, but is designed to be understandable for students who haven't had a first course in the subject.
David Tong: Lectures on Supersymmetry - University of Cambridge
David Tong: Lectures on Supersymmetry This is a course of supersymmetric field theory given to Part III (i.e. masters level) students. It covers the basics of supersymmetric field theories, as well as more advanced topics such as Seiberg duality.
David Tong: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics - University of …
David Tong: Lectures on Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics These are introductory lectures on supersymmetric quantum mechanics, aimed at Masters students. They describe some applications of quantum mechanics to ideas in geometry.