Can dehydration be the cause for egfr low count in blood tests?
2018年11月25日 · See below: GFR is the rate at which blood is filtered by the kidneys each minute. The estimated GFR (eGFR) is based on serum creatinine and one’s weight, age, …
egfr read as: value =>60. all the other numbers within ... - HealthTap
2022年1月26日 · : EGFR is estimated glomerular filtration rate. It is not really measured in the blood, it is just an estimation of the kidney function base
normal gfr by age - HealthTap
my gfr came back at 62 but my dr. said that is within normal range for my age (30) i have read it should be above 90. should i be concerned at all?: Yes: You are right, a healthy person of …
what is the meaning of the following blood test results
2013年6月7日 · Kidney and Liver T: Egfr (normal >60), creatinine, bun/cr ratio are all lab values to suggest how the kidney function is, ast is an enzyme secreted by the liver, if its elevated there …
my recent blood tests showed slightly low kidney function what …
2019年3月18日 · Maybe nothing: BUN and creatinine are meaningful only in the context of your overall health and body type. A very muscular man who eats a lo
my creatinine level is 1.5 should i be worried? - HealthTap
2019年7月12日 · Lab should also mention egfr value. Creatinine 1.5 is slightly on the high side. Answered . 7/12/20195.3k ...
i am told my glomerular filtration rate is 57.6. does this indicate ...
2016年4月15日 · I am told my glomerular filtration rate is 57.6. does this indicate kidney disease? creatinine is 1.0 bun is 20 total protein is 7.0 i am 55 w/f
what does low egfr levels mean - HealthTap
high creatinine(1.24) low egfr non afro (53) what does this mean? previous hx of much pyleonephretis in past years. this is second test showing result: CKD: Lower than normal GFR …
what does a creatinine of 1.24 mean? - HealthTap
2018年6月8日 · If bun 25, creatinine 1.5, bun/creat ratio 17, egfr 58...The egfr means im in stage 3 CKD right? 58% kidney function? I have a slightly elevated SGPT and S.Creatinine rise from …
My creatinine level is 1.49. is it a kidney disease confirmation?
2019年7月9日 · GFR: Elevations in creatinine can be due to several issues...and the one you started with is the first...renal insufficiency. Dehydration and fluid over load can also change …